Role Of Media In The Plan Of God - Eastern Mirror
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Role of media in the plan of God

By EMN Updated: Dec 01, 2015 8:56 pm

The Naga media (print-media, local TV channels and radio programs) are playing a major role in educating and moulding our people positively and bringing necessary info to our homes every day. One unique feature about our media is that, they are saturated with the Christian outlook into all important issues of our day. Christian music, literatures and speeches are on the dominant focus every day. Although, there have been some complaints about our Medias that there are too many religious packages and writings which minimizes the secular society we live in. The editorial and the writers quote from the Holy writ to substantiate their opinions. However, the majority of people living in this state are Christians so the message has to be inevitably communicated on the same page.It is impossible that every program in the media has to have some religious undertones but it is possible that it centres upon the good side of every story. There’s a god who is known as the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). Jesus refers to him as the prince of the world (John 14:30). He is in control over the worldly system and that includes the media and stations around the world. The Christ exalting media is vanishing even in the most dominated Christian countries. One example can be cited from Hollywood which began its journey in a Christ exalting manner to end in immorally lifestyle promotion. The origin of the word Hollywood actually comes from “Holy Wood.” The town had a calling from God to inspire the world with its movies-stir them with stories of redemption, of good winning over evil, and of lifting the human spirit so people will aspire to be better. Somewhere along the race for the almighty dollar, Hollywood obviously lost its bearings. It never became anchored in the Holy wood-the cross-or in the blood of Christ (adapted from Devil, Demons and Spiritual Warfare by Tom Brown).
The Devilis a deceiving spirit and crafty who trick humanity to doom and destruction. It was through the medium of listening, watching and dialogue that hauled this universe into a cursed planet. Therefore, the media have a great role to play as they are doors for the evil or good to enter one’s heart and mind. This is exactly how the Bible presents about the media and all the stations around the globe. Hence it is a big challenge for the entire founders and media people to be spiritually discerned and detect the guiles of our foe. Only then, media will be a source in fulfilling the plans of God. God bless all the media house of Nagaland.
Vebu Khamo,
Kohima Bible College.

By EMN Updated: Dec 01, 2015 8:56:44 pm
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