Rhythm Of Love: In Conversation With Kivika Achumi - Eastern Mirror
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Music, Rhythm of Love

Rhythm of Love: In conversation with Kivika Achumi

By Henlly Phom Odyuo Updated: Nov 11, 2021 9:21 pm
Kivika Achumi
Kivika Achumi

Talented Kivika Achumi’s Sumi love song ‘She Lomi’ broke all barriers by surpassing 1.3 million views on YouTube, proving that music has no language. Achumi sees music as a boundless source of happiness and is determined to share it with the world!

Read on to know all about Kivika Achumi

Eastern Mirror: What got you into music? Who inspired you to make music?

Kivika Achumi: Music is the source of happiness. It helps people extend and receive happiness as well. It is boundless. God is always working in my life. I always receive manifold blessings from God & I wish to share my blessings to others through music & that made me choose music.

To me there is no certain/specific person or incident that inspired me. Inspiration… I’ve got a “natural-inner inspiration” I should say & I thank God for that.

Eastern Mirror: How would you describe your music to someone who is new to your music?

My music… it is simple. I wish to spread love, joy, share sadness & blessings to everyone. If my songs are able to bring peace of mind to anyone who is suffering or if anyone can enjoy & have good fun with my songs…that’s a great achievement for me & my music.

Eastern Mirror: What genre, themes/topics do you in general represent and cover?

Generally, I would say hip-hop & country as well.

Eastern Mirror: If you could open a show for any artist who would it be?

Thunglamo. He’s great.

Kivika Achumi 2

Eastern Mirror: Your song “She Lomi” reached 1 million views on YouTube. Did you expect the song to reach this number? Why do you think the song reached 1 million views?

“She Lomi”… Thank God. Yes, it reached 1 million views. It was beyond my expectations. There are so many excellent Naga artists who are doing very well, far better than me. And to receive 1 million views is a very very big accomplishment which I did not think I would receive. But thank God & all my music fans & supporters for making it possible.

Eastern Mirror: Your songs are mostly in your vernacular so what influenced/made you make music in your vernacular and not English considering the diverse audience in Nagaland.

First of all, music has got no language barrier. Yes, my songs are mostly in Sumi mainly because I wish to promote Sumi through my songs. Of course I do love singing English songs…which I do often… But I feel like I connect more to Sumi songs.

Eastern Mirror: Tell us about your favourite and least part of being a musician?

My favourite part of being a musician is I’m never bored. It gives me pleasure in making music.

The least part…Sometimes it’s hard. I face a tight schedule since I’m working in Church Ministry too which is my first priority.

Eastern Mirror: What is the best advice you’ve been given?

 There is no limit in trying. Trying is a sign of you being alive. Never lose hope, have faith that God has a better plan for you always & keep trying.

By Henlly Phom Odyuo Updated: Nov 11, 2021 9:21:00 pm
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