Rhythm Of Love: In Conversation With Kevisede Tiu - Eastern Mirror
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Music, Rhythm of Love

Rhythm of Love: In conversation with Kevisede Tiu

By Henlly Phom Odyuo Updated: Mar 03, 2022 9:12 am

Kevisede Tiu considers himself a newcomer in the music industry with his recently released music video “Potter’s Wheel” written by him. He found his love and passion for music when he committed his life to the Lord and from that moment onwards, the gospel artist has channelled his love for God through his music.

Eastern Mirror: Growing up, was music a big part of your life? Talk us through your musical journey.

Kevisede Tiu: No, music definitely was not a big part in my early life. Honestly I was not into music or was not even considering taking up music. I for one had no musicality nor was I ever introduced to any. But ever since I turned to my personal faith and got myself involved with Church works, I started becoming passionate about music, especially when I saw my friends lead so well through the worship team. Still it was not an immediate progress for me, rather it took time for me to truly step into it.

I remember back in 2017 or so, on learning the percussion shaker first. It definitely was a big step for me towards music.

It was in 2019 where it all started and I began seeing the growth as I kept on grinding, got inspired for the first song back in 2020, and then I kept writing one song after the other, kept working hard, dedicating, being patient through the vegetable growth and God has been ever so good to me. The hard work coupled with God is what’s been leading me all throughout my journey. I am just in the initial stage and have lots to learn and do and contribute what I know towards the music industry.

Eastern Mirror: What influenced your music the most?

Kevisede Tiu: This may not be exactly to the point but what influenced me and our team ‘Altars & Co’ the most was the potential that God envisioned to us of the prospects and impact that gospel music could have on our own land.

Eastern Mirror: What is it about music that makes you want to do more?

Kevisede Tiu: The aspect of music I like, in gospel music particularly, is of the outcome it can have upon people, the changes it can bring, the joy it can spread and the peace it can give, regardless of age, gender or ethnicity.

Eastern Mirror: Talk us through the process of writing the song “Potter’s Wheel”.

Kevisede Tiu: Well, “Potter’s Wheel” was an inspiration from the Holy Spirit back in 2021 and it specifically came about from the Book of John 10:11 where God says, “I am the good shepherd.” With that and from the representations of God as a Potter and as a Gardener, the motivation came about immensely for me to immediately jot down the lyrics that flowed in tune during a personal worship time. It truly came about as the right song for my season because I for sure am neither the best musician nor the most refined vocalist, and to be honest I was quite doubtful at that moment of my life, of whether I could progress musically or if I was even gifted to write songs that truly can have an impact.

So, when words turned into sentences, it was a big realisation for my own being too, that even for one time utterly talentless individual like me, God’s plan is never restricted by the limitations we may have. I just saw myself being in our Potter’s Wheel gradually moulded as the lyrics speak and so from there on, the road was smooth and with the lyrics and tune ready, I introduced it to our team and we began working day in and day out towards the completion of the song.


Eastern Mirror: Tell us about your favourite and least favourite part about being a musician?

Kevisede Tiu: The best part about music is how I can glorify God with it and spread the gospel through it. Music, I believe, is something that everybody can enjoy and relate with. But what I don’t enjoy are the days when I feel stagnated with no progress but I guess that’s absolutely normal for any musician to take a break and progress.

Eastern Mirror: What is the best piece of advice a musician has given you?

Kevisede Tiu: The motivation from my fellow musicians that keeps me going is that people will definitely have a variety of opinions but what matters most is what God sees and thinks of you. He looks at your heart so do all you can for Him. Make Him known.

Eastern Mirror: What suggestion would you give to TaFMA if you were asked to for the betterment of the music industry?

Kevisede Tiu: Honestly I don’t think I’m aware of the music industry or TaFMA’s influence in particular because I’m quite new to it and honestly I had never once tried to grasp any proper understanding of TaFMA , and you could say it’s my fault for not giving any proper thought.

So, I don’t quite know if music workshops are properly implemented but if not so, then that would be a lovely aspect for inspiring, up and coming musicians and generally all musicians alike.

By Henlly Phom Odyuo Updated: Mar 03, 2022 9:12:00 am
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