Rhythm Of Love: In Conversation With Best B4 24 Months - Eastern Mirror
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Rhythm of Love

Rhythm of Love: In conversation with Best B4 24 Months

By Henlly Phom Odyuo Updated: Sep 12, 2024 10:05 pm
Best B4 24 Months
Best B4 24 Months

According to Best B4 24 Months, a five-member band making a comeback after a hiatus of more than a decade, it isn’t going to be just a comeback, but a full-blown takeover.

The punk-pop group, with Imlitoshi on vocals, Imdong as the main guitarist, Sangpo as the guitarist, Tiatoshi on bass, and Ajemer on drums, was formed in 2006. The band went on hiatus for more than a decade to pursue the members’ individual interests.

They have reunited and are already generating excitement among their fans and peers. Although they no longer embrace the punk-pop style, they promise to deliver the same chaotic energy. 

Read on to learn more about what they’ve been up to and what they have in store.

Eastern Mirror: How about a comeback introduction of ‘Best B4 24 Months’?

Best B4 24 Months: Guess who’s back and louder than ever? Best B4 24 Months is crashing back onto the scene with a sound that’s wilder, rawer, and more in-your-face than before. We’ve been cooking up something real, and it’s finally time to let them loose.

This isn’t just a comeback; it’s a full-blown takeover. Get ready for some new tracks that’ll hit harder, shout louder, and shake things up the way only Best B4 24 Months knows how. We’re bringing that punk-pop chaos you crave, and trust us, you won’t want to miss what’s coming next.

Keep your eyes peeled. We’re coming, and we’re not holding back.

Eastern Mirror: Any story behind the band not being active for more than a decade and a sudden comeback?

Best B4 24 Months: Life happened. We all got pulled in different directions, but the fire never really died. We needed time to live, grow, and, honestly, get some wild stories worth screaming about. But deep down, we knew we weren’t done.

This sudden comeback? It’s been brewing. The world’s changed, but so have we. We’ve got a whole lot to say and we’re not about to play nice doing it. Call it a comeback; call it unfinished business, whatever. We’re here now, and we’ve got something to prove.

Eastern Mirror: What’s the most rewarding part of being in a band?

Best B4 24 Months: It’s the raw energy of creating something from scratch with people who share the same passion. When we’re all in sync and the music just flows, it’s like everything clicks into place. It’s messy, chaotic, and not always pretty, but that’s the beauty of it.

Making music together is the payoff—no filters, no rules, just pure expression.

Eastern Mirror: Which song was the most challenging to write or record and why?

Best B4 24 Months: The most challenging song to write so far has been “Hurricane,” our comeback track. After being away for so long, we wanted this one to hit hard and reflect everything we’ve been through. Finding that perfect mix of old energy and new perspectives wasn’t easy. We’re pushing ourselves to make it raw and real, but also evolved.

Getting back into the studio after ages felt surreal, like shaking off rust while trying to capture lightning in a bottle. But that struggle is what’s making Hurricane something special.

Best B4 24 Months

Eastern Mirror: If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to yourselves when you were just starting the band? 

Best B4 24 Months: If we could go back, we’d tell ourselves: don’t sweat the small stuff. We used to get caught up in the noise, what people thought, trying to be “perfect.” But punk’s not about perfection; it’s about owning your flaws and letting the music speak for itself. We’d say: Trust your gut, take more risks, and don’t hold back.

Oh, and have more fun with the chaos. That’s where the magic happens.

Eastern Mirror: What’s your most memorable concert or event?

Best B4 24 Months: Our most memorable concert? No contest, it was at Clock Tower, Dimapur, during the live show organised by Native Trax Society in 2009 . That show was pure insanity. The crowd was wild, completely hyped, and feeding off our energy like nothing else. It was one of those nights where everything just clicked. We were sweating bullets, but the vibe was electric, and the way the audience responded made it unforgettable.

That night really showed us the power of live music—chaotic, raw, and full of life.

Eastern Mirror: What is your band’s musical genre, and does it cater to a diverse age range?

Best B4 24 Months: We’re all about punk-pop and punk-rock, loud, fast, and in-your-face. Our music’s got that classic punk edge with catchy tunes that anyone can get into. Whether you’re a long-time punk fan or just looking for something new, we’re here to bring the noise and keep it real for everyone.

Eastern Mirror: How do you handle conflicts or disagreements among band members?

Best B4 24 Months: When conflicts pop up, we face them straight on. We talk it out, keep it real, and remember we’re in this together for the love of music. No drama, just finding a way to keep the band tight and the tunes loud.

Eastern Mirror: Which band member would most likely forget the lyrics or chords during a live performance?

Best B4 24 Months: Honestly, all of us have had moments where we’ve forgotten lyrics or chords on stage. We’re all about keeping it raw and real, so mistakes happen. It’s part of the live show experience—what matters is we roll with it and keep the energy up.

By Henlly Phom Odyuo Updated: Sep 12, 2024 10:05:00 pm
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