Rhythm Of Love: In Conversation With Aren And Gaily - Eastern Mirror
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Music, Rhythm of Love

Rhythm of Love: In conversation with Aren and Gaily

By Henlly Phom Odyuo Updated: Dec 30, 2021 9:20 pm
In conversation with Aren and Gaily
Aren and Gaily

Dedicated Gospel Artists Gaily and Aren have been working as a team since 2016. The duo hopes to encourage youngsters to pick up gospel songs which are still confined to Churches and share it with the world.

Eastern Mirror: Can you tell our readers about your musical backgrounds, including how you met and how you both got into gospel music?

Aren & Gaily: We came to know each other in the year 2016 as part of a worship team in the Dimapur Christ Church & Christ Prayer Center Ministry where we were working. We learnt gospel songs since childhood; gospel songs are full of theological texts that educate us about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Singing connects us emotionally and gospel music conveys the message to the people.

Eastern Mirror: How would you describe your style of music?

Our style of music is more like contemporary/ country.

Eastern Mirror: Is the song “Tayaar Hobi” (prepare yourself) co written by both of you? Talk us through the song writing?

The song “Tayaar Hobi” was written by me (Gaily) I was inspired to write this song during the pandemic lockdown (2021) when the whole world was full of fear and uncertainty. In the midst of all the Chaos and the inevitable fact of that, hopelessness and despair that every individual was facing the very word “Tayaar Hobi” struck my heart and inspired me to convey the message to every individual that despite of everything that was happening around, we can be secure by assuring our salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

Aren and Gaily

Eastern Mirror: What is your strength as Gospel Singers?

As gospel singers, we are blessed and privileged to share the gospel, the good news of the kingdom of God to everyone, from the least to the greatest, and we think that in itself is the greatest strength of a musician. Being able to reach out and impact the hearts of many individuals in the form of melodious songs.

Eastern Mirror: What do you thing is the biggest misconception about gospel artists?

According to our opinion, the secular world has a misconception that gospel artists are less impactful unlike secular musicians and that’s why we are given less opportunities to perform at larger platforms.

Eastern Mirror: What is your opinion of the music scenario in Nagaland?

Music Scenario- when it comes to music the Nagaland government as well as the music production scene is coming up to some extent, where even gospel artists can really live through it. They are getting enough platforms and young people are growing so much e.g. like the biggest event in Nagaland Hornbill festival. Gospel artists are also getting the opportunity to compete and recently we had Christian Music Festival so there is scope even for gospel artists in Nagaland.

Aren Gaily

Eastern Mirror: Do you think more should be done for gospel artists?

As far as gospels songs are concerned in Nagaland, it’s still confined in the churches and occasions. So I think many people are yet to pick up this genre even though our state is a Christian state where we expect large number of people to be into it. So we should say that we need to do more to reach the gospel out to the people through gospel music.

Eastern Mirror: If so, what according to you should be done to encourage more gospel artists?

The Churches can play a big role in contributing to the gospel music industry by encouraging young, gifted and talented artists to come up by sponsoring them and motivating them.

Eastern Mirror: Do you have any musical projects in the offing?

Yes we are working on it and more coming up.

By Henlly Phom Odyuo Updated: Dec 30, 2021 9:20:51 pm
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