I am grateful to the Naga Hoho (NH) for their frank response to my humble view and suggestions for the Naga integration of heart, soul, mind and goodwill as stated in my article “Mere Population Integration: Not Acceptable” which I have shared without any reservation. I welcome this opportunity for fair and honest deliberation of the issue to promote better unity, harmony and understanding in our big Naga family. The NH has clarified two points as published in the local dailies on 17.9.16 from my article.
1. In its first clarification dt. 17.9.16, NH has stated that “affiliated units of Naga Hoho within the state of Nagaland is 8 (eight) and not 10 (ten) as claimed by the writer” I have never claimed that the NH has ten affiliated tribal units from the state of Nagaland. What I actually stated in my article was that the Nagas of Nagaland State had 16 official representatives but today there are only 10 in the NH fallowing the latest development.
2. The second clarification by NH on 17.9.16 appears to be in sharp contradiction with its earlier statement titled “NAGA HOHO RESPONDS TO ‘CNTC DISASSOCIATES WITH NAGA HOHO” published in the local dailies on 4.9.16. I hereby quote its statement dt 4.9.16 as follows: “Ao Senden was represented by its General Secretary Temjen Paul, Sumi Hoho President Hokishe Yeptho and Yansathung Jami, President of Kyong Hoho and host of Representatives from APO, CPO, Zeliangrong Baudi and UNC. In the said Naga Hoho Presidential Council Meeting held on 5-9-08 at Hotel Japfu Kohima, it was collectively viewed that Rongmei community is eligible to be recognized as desired by the State Government…”
In reference to the above statement, I wrote, it is difficult to understand as to why the NH brought a host of Representatives from UNC from Manipur State to Hotel Japfü Kohima on 5.9.08 to decide their views and opinion on Rongmei’s recognition issue and concluded as it was collectively viewed that Rongmei community is eligible to be recognised as desired by the Govt. We can understand that a “host of representatives” as stated by the NH, means a large number of representatives. However, the NH’s clarification mentioned below says something different. Its statement dt 17.9.16 is quoted as under:
“The author had also alleged the Naga Hoho of bringing “host of representatives from… UNC (United Naga Council) from Manipur state to Hotel Japfu Kohima on 05.09.2008 to decide their views and opinion on Rongmei’s Recognition issue”. It is to clarify that on the 5th September 2015 Presidential Council meeting held at Hotel Japfu, Kohima, 12 members attended the meeting. Out of which 4 members does not have the voting right as they represent the subordinate units of Naga Hoho. However, 6 tribal Hohos from Nagaland and 2 tribal hohos from the south represented in the meeting. Therefore, the question of bringing hosts of representatives and manipulating the decision of the Naga Hoho decision does not arise.”
The NH in its clarification stated that 2 tribal hohos from the south represented in the meeting, changing its earlier report that a host of representatives from UNC were present at the meeting. It also stated that the said meeting was held on 5.9.15. However, the Rongmeis’ Tribal recognition was approved by a divided house of the Nagaland State Cabinet on 23.7.12 at Kohima wherein four respectable Cabinet Ministers – Shri G. Kaito, Shri Doshehe Y Sema, Shri P. Longon and Shri MC Konyak, attended the meeting but refused to sign the same. So, the NH Presidential Council meeting for Rongmeis’ Recognition issue held on 5.9.15 at Hotel Japfü, Kohima as clarified by NH on 17.9.16 is not true.
I have never stated that bringing hosts of representatives manipulated the decision of the NH. Therefore, if the NH for whatever reason wants to change its statement made on 4.9.16 that is their business. My sincere humble position on the issues under discussion is that established facts and realities must not be distorted or played with by any one for short term advantages. The ultimate outcome is always costly and dangerous for our society. Our emerging Naga society cannot survive if we will not pay and promote for unity by sacrificing our selfishness. Rebirth of unity in truth, purity, love and honesty should be our common concern to be a people with self- respect and dignity for the sake of the coming generations.
Kuolachalie Seyie,
Email ID kuolachalalie@yahoo.com