
Research methodology course in Social Sciences underway at NU

Published on May 22, 2024



Research methodology
Faculty and students of Nagaland University after the inaugural function of a 10-day research methodology course in Social Science in Lumami on Tuesday.

DIMAPUR — A 10-day Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) sponsored research methodology course in Social Science, organised by Sociology department of Nagaland University (NU) got underway on Tuesday at the conference hall of Sociology in Lumami headquarters.

In his introductory remarks, Prof. Athungo Ovung, course director and head, stressed the importance of research methodology as a fundamental aspect of research inquiry. He expressed hope that the course would help the participants get acquainted with the latest tools and techniques of social science research.

He further stated that eminent researchers from across the country would deliver lectures as resource persons, an update from NU stated.

The vice chancellor of Nagaland University and guest of honour, Prof. Jagadish K Patnaik, deliberated on the history and development of research methods in Social Sciences in India. He emphasised the need for the indigenisation of research methods for a better understanding of local social problems and encouraged the participants to apply originality and contextualise the research methods to the Indian scenario.

Prof. Patnaik also advised all the participants to actively engage in the course to improve their research skills.

Dr. Suraj Beri, in his vote of thanks, acknowledged the contribution and support of the university administration, colleagues and research scholars for the successful inception of the 10-day ‘Research methodology course in Social Sciences.’

The inaugural programme was attended by the Dean of Social Sciences, faculty members from various departments, officers and research scholars in the university.

Meanwhile, the valedictory programme of a two-week capacity building programme for young higher education faculty members in Social Sciences on “Academic and research excellence in higher education” was held on May 18 at the Ladies Common Room (LCR), NU, Kohima Campus.

It stated that Prof. VP Joshith, department of Education, Central University of Kerala, was one of the resource persons and chief guest.

The chief guest expressed his close connection with the department of Education and Teacher Education of Nagaland University, Kohima campus. He encouraged the participants to actively participate and interact throughout the sessions saying that learning should be fun.

Dr. Boyillapalli Venkata Rao, ICSSR-CBP co-course director, in his report, expounded the purpose and objective of the two-week CBP. He mentioned that the committee followed all ICSSR norms regarding topics covered on research and academic excellence.

It stated that the major outcomes of the CBP are data analysis in Social Science research by using IBM-SPSS-AMOS, SEM through Smart PLS and knowledge of patents and copyrights etc.