Request To Director Food & Civil Supplies - Eastern Mirror
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Request to Director Food & Civil Supplies

By EMN Updated: Sep 14, 2017 12:17 am

Subject: Prayer for de-linking of Aadhar number with PRHR scheme


With reference to the subject cited above, the undersigned on behalf of the Chumukedima Area G.B’s Association have the honour to state these few lines for favour of your kind consideration and sympathetic and necessary action please. That Sir, on the onset, the general public of Chumukedima Area are immensely pleased that your esteemed authority for providing timely the Priority House Hold (PHH) Ration Card Schemes to the beneficiaries. Wherein, in respect of your good-self authority’s recent past information in the Local Daily Nagaland Post regarding the linking of AADHAR Numbers to beneficiaries of PHH Scheme. Hence, the Chumukedima Area G.B’s Association is deeply concerned on the inconveniences experienced by the beneficiaries due to many reasons beyond general public’s control.

It is pertinent to mention that, the Chumukedima Area GB’s Association held a meeting on 13th September 2017 and thoroughly deliberated on the issue, wherein, the Association has a bonafide apprehension and also realised the minimal materialisation of the said linkage of PHH Scheme with Aadhaar Numbers, in as much as the intension of the said Scheme is being provided by the Central Govt. for the downtrodden people of both Urban and Rural areas in the Country in general and in the State of Nagaland in particular; who are unable to maintain and sustain their livelihood, furthermore, there are untold hardships and reasons where every citizen are unable to the benefits of Aadhaar Card due to ignorance of its importance as well as due to lack of easily available Techno information Centers for obtaining the Aadhaar Card through Bio Matric system. As such, the undersigned Association after thorough deliberation have resolved to intimate and request your higher authority not to pursue for linking of PHH Scheme with Aadhaar Numbers of the beneficiaries due to the aforementioned reasons and inconveniences.

Under the facts and circumstances of the matter stated herein above, your good self authority may kindly be pleased to accept this application and may further be pleased to either cancelled the information for linkage of Aadhaar Numbers with PHH Scheme Beneficiaries and or keep the matter in abeyance until the entire beneficiaries of the areas and the citizens are fully, equipped with Aadhaar Card, so as to enable the beneficiaries of PHH Scheme to avail the Schemes as per the intension of the legislation of the Scheme of Central Govt. as has been enshrined in the PHH Scheme in the interest of administrative fair play and in the interest of justice.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully
Tokishe, President CAGBA;
Pamong Phom, Jt. Secretary CAGBA

By EMN Updated: Sep 14, 2017 12:17:13 am
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