R-Day Boycott A Slap In The Face—NPCC  - Eastern Mirror
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R-Day boycott a slap in the face—NPCC 

By EMN Updated: Jan 26, 2019 10:19 pm

Dimapur, Jan. 26 (EMN): The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has termed the boycott of Republic Day celebrations in Nagaland by civil organisations “a slap in the face of the PDA government in the state and the BJP government in the Centre.”

In a statement issued on Saturday, the NPCC stated that the “slap in the face” was for disregarding the voices of people against the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill. The entire NE region is in turmoil due to the “blatant attitude of BJP” to push the Bill through, it stated.

“However, the PDA government in Nagaland has been caught in a self-defeating situation where its feeble explanation defies the very logic of our elected member’s ability to protect the interest of our people. PDA cabinet decision on CAB is therefore unforgivable and any sensible PDA legislator must resign in protest if they have any concern left for the people.

“NPCC had earlier made our stand clear that CAB be scrapped in total since it is highly polarising and dangerous for small state like Nagaland where unabated influx of migrants especially in Dimapur and other foothill areas threatens the demography of state,” the statement read.

The NPCC cited that the AGP in Assam parted ways with the BJP due to CAB; NPP “threatening to kick out BJP” in Meghalaya; MNF in Mizoram all out against CAB; and BJP government in Manipur passing resolution urging exemption of Manipur from CAB implementation. “Whereas, the knee-jerk reaction of the PDA government and the deafening silence of BJP and its legislators is an added insult to the collective conscience of the people.”

The “empty grounds” during the Republic Day celebrations, according to the NPCC, was evidence of the people’s loss of confidence in the PDA government.

“We extend our solidarity with the NSF and ENSF and all their federating units for being in the forefront against CAB. We further appeal to all right thinking citizens cutting across political party affiliations to voice out in total unison and prevent this dangerous communal bill that is tearing apart peaceful coexistence in societies across Northeast by BJP for furthering the agenda of Hindutva forces,” it stated.

By EMN Updated: Jan 26, 2019 10:19:46 pm
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