Politics, Economy And World Peace - Eastern Mirror
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Politics, economy and world peace

By EMN Updated: Jun 29, 2015 11:14 pm

Dr. Xavier P Mao

In what follows, I wish to explore, analyze and critically examine the relationship between politics, economy and world peace. It is historically true that politics and society emerged at a very late stage in human civilization. The idea of economy and world peace is a later date development. For many years and centuries human beings were living solitary life throughout the world. It was only after industrial revolution in Western Europe particularly Great Britain that the world economy began to be inter-connected. Lionel Robin and Adam Smith gave the slogan that human wants are unlimited. Such slogan appears as if as a matter of fact, human wants are unlimited and innumerable. But attentive reflection will show that Lionel Robin and Adam Smith were offering a prescription about human wants. It is this: human wants ought to be unlimited. It was a necessity of large industrial revolution and consequence of large scale production. Therefore, produce more and consume more was the clarion call. In pre-industrial period humankind was producing only that much whatever was necessary to keep one’s body and soul together. But industrial revolution with large scale production posed a problem. How to consume and sell the excess products? The market place available in Great Britain was not enough to absorb all the surplus therefore new markets had to be found out. The leaders and captains of society and producers tried to discover markets to sell their products. Sea voyages were commissioned and some people were asked to find out routes to Africa, Asia in general and India in particular. In the year 1600 A.D some British merchants came to India and contacted the then Mughal Emperor to allow British traders to carry on trade and commerce. Initially British came to India as traders and merchants and gradually colonized not only India but major parts of Africa. So economy gave rise to a new kind of politics like colonialism and imperialism. This is how growth of science and technology gives rise to a particular economic development and economic development gives rise to colonialism and colonialism in turn gives rise to a particular type of politics. Such emergence of political order is either conducive or detrimental to world peace is to be seriously examined and reflected upon. Therefore, I wish to argue that science and technology give rise to a particular type of economy and economy in its turn gives rise to a particular national and international order. This trend and tendency are very much prominent even in contemporary period. The two world wars are witnesses to this type of socio-economic development. Willy-nilly various nations and countries of the world became parties to these two world wars. Till date this tendency to world politics is very much current. The only thing is that the nature and color of the problem has undergone sea change.It may be stated in this connection that the emergence of family, society and state in the evolutionary process has done both good and bad for humankind. Emergence of family took care of children, and children were no more left to the whim and caprice of nature. Emergence of family and state is another step. Protection of people and the need for collectivity have led to the formation of state. Further, with the state formation not only civilized people but 2 protected them. The appearance of Kingship and Monarchy is the milestone in this regard. But in course of time, the growth and development of state gave rise to subjugation and exploitation. Kings, rulers and monarchs were no more satisfied with their kingdoms and territories. They wanted to extend the frontiers of their kingdoms. Thus conflicts, chaos, confusions and ultimately conquests of territories and subjugation of people and state became the normal phenomenon. It is not that the idea of controlled and guided economy is the concept of modern time. In other words, the idea of controlled economy and enhancement is as old as state formation. The powerful leaders, kings and monarchs began to extend their territories. Thus the idea of forming a world empire is not only the dream and fantasy of the so called Alexander the ‘Great’. He wanted to realize his dream and in the process thousands were slaughtered and killed but the travesty is that the poor Alexander died in Baghdad while returning home. When he was in dead bed he realized the futility and meaninglessness of his dream so he instructed his attendants that they should put his both hands and feet showing to the people that Alexander came to this world with empty hands and going back to the other world empty handed. Even if the realization was belated it is an open declaration of futility and meaninglessness of war, slaughter, murder and creation of very big empire. We should realize this message and truth.
It is a fact that monarchy and kingship are being replaced by democratic form of government the world over. Today democratic form of government is the slogan of the day by social scientists. Rudimentary forms of democracy are experimented in some places here and there in Arab and African countries. It is surprising that subjugation and exploitation appears and reappears in the subtle form throughout the world. Further, throughout the world the slogan today is: sell more and purchase less. Let me begin with India the slogan of the present government is “make in India”. We should produce almost everything not only our consumption but sell every conceivable item outside India. Look East Policy is no exception, economic program is to have economic relation with the neighboring countries, even China is also no exception to this type of policy. The great organization like W.T.O controls the trade and commerce among countries. In ancient and medieval times some countries had flourishing trade with the west like Rome. Rome was the market place for Indian goods. It is said that Tamilnadu, Orissa, Kalinga then, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal had flourishing trade with the western countries. The Arab merchants dominated and controlled the land route from Europe to India. The Arab merchant did not allow the European merchants to use the land route for the simple reason that European merchants would stand as keen competitors with the Arabs. So Europeans tried to discover sea routes to India. This is how many sea voyages were financed by European kings and queens to somehow discover routes to India. Discovery of America by Columbus or West Indies was just an accident. The queen of Portugal financed Columbus to discover sea routes to India. Before that Bartholomew and some other mariners in their attempt to discover sea routes came up to Cape of Good Hope and went back with 3 disappointment. It was only after the Suez Canal came into the pictures that the sea routes to India became convenient. We all know the impact of such discovery and exploration on politics, economy and state formation. Seeing from this angle it is very difficult to say that discovery of sea routes and exploration were out of desire to know things beyond one’s frontiers. As a matter of fact, they were economically determined. If we look at the contemporary politics throughout the world, we come across economic issues and consideration taking the front seat. I may be allowed to state in this connection that Arunachal Pradesh is a disputed territory between China and India today. It is also a fact of history that in the very dim past state boundaries were not clearly drawn or demarcated. In other words, there were no states with clear cut boundary lines. When Buddhists were persecuted and tortured in India, they migrated to China and other South-East Asian countries. The institution of passport, visa and permission is a recent day phenomenon. Time was the world and the earth was one. Anybody could live, move and settle down anywhere. This is how the Red Indians walked down to America. Large scale movements of people from one part of the globe to another part enriched the world civilization. This is how scholars and explorers like Huen tsang, Fa hien and other scholars travelled from China to India and have left an account of India. But today such things are not possible.
Nobody from China can visit India and no Indian can visit China and move freely and observe and note down their experiences today. In today’s world the travel of Huen Tsang, Fa hien, Megasthenes etc. are practically impossible because of too much restriction and controlling of free movement of people. Let us think and reflect for a while what we have done? Was the so called modern civilization and socio-economic order have given this bondage of free movement and free interaction? Let us think, ponder and reflect. Ibonbatuta traveler from Moroco came to India on foot. Today we suspect each other. The natural resources that were created and deposited underneath the earth over millions of years are being mindlessly exploited and used to satisfy the unbridled greed of human beings. Mountains and forests are being denuded of trees. There were variety of flora and fauna which were destroyed beyond replenishment. Come to Indian case of water, the so called sacred rivers like Ganga and Yamuna are absolutely contaminated and polluted beyond repair. Valuable flora and fauna found on sacred mountain Himalaya are being destroyed and extinguished very fast. It may be mentioned in this connection that all the great rivers in India were treated as sacred. Likewise the highest mountain peaks like Himalaya and Vindhya are regarded as the abode of 33 millions of gods and goddesses. Lake Manasoravar(at present in China) is also regarded as the abode of gods and goddesses. Till date in India, the common people treat these mountains and rivers as sacred places. Whatever is beneficial, useful and permanently beneficial were regarded as sacred. Even the aboriginal and tribal traditions throughout the world regard great rivers, oceans, mountains and lakes as sacred. This kind of native wisdom of human being that has been handed down to us for thousands of years is destroyed today. Now let us think what we 4 have done to nature? What I wish to suggest in this connection is that human beings can use nature for their basic necessities but not for conspicuous consumption purposes. In other words, mindless use and exploitation of nature is the consequence of greed and avarice of human beings. Nature has sufficient to satisfy our needs but it cannot afford to satisfy our greed. Time has come to make clear cut distinction between need and greed. Further, greed is parasitic on a particular kind of growth and development of science and technology. I may be allowed to draw the attention of the audience on the most important aspect of scientific knowledge is that the understanding of nature in detail as the basic objective of science. Only when it is absolutely necessary then science should be put on day to day use of human beings. The unbridled growth of technology has created serious problems for humankind and such technology driven by greed has induced the philosophy of consumerism. Consequently, produce more and consume more has become the philosophy of life throughout the world. I wish to suggest in this connection that the distinction between enjoyment and renunciation propagated by all religions should be revived and put into practice. Great men and philosophers like Confucius, Laostii, Buddha, Mahavir, Socrates and Christ etc. advocated such ideology. According to them, whatever is necessary consume only that much whatever is necessary to keep body and mind together. This might appear outdated and outmoded, but I am of the firm opinion that this type of philosophy of life is necessary to solve the present predicament faced by human beings. I urge upon the captains of society to examine and reflect on these issues.
Manufacture and compilation of arms and ammunitions have been disturbing world peace and affecting world economy and politics to a very large extent. The two devastating world wars is an eloquent testimony to this. Mindless or directionless researches in science and technology have contributed mainly to this type of devastation. In nutshell, the development of science and technology with great ambition on the part of some nations to expand and extend their territories and to control world economy and politics has given rise to world wars in the past. The growth and development in physical sciences leading to the discovery and exploitation of atoms ultimately have given rise to manufacture of atom bombs. It is sometimes argued that science is dispassionate discovery of knowledge. The politicians make use of the researches for their egoistic and megalomaniac feeling like in the case of the atomic theory that ultimately resulted in the manufacture of atomic bombs dropped in Japan. Some politicians like Nehru argued that preparations for war are great preventive to war, one may not actually fight but one should be ready to fight. It appears innocuous but this intrinsically is dangerous. It is sometimes argued that war is closely associated with avarice, greed and desire to control others. A detailed and critical examination of philosophy of war is a must. The uncontrolled passion and lust for power and fame give rise to war. The primitive human beings were fighting with each other for food and shelter. The modern men fight for victory, territory, profit and control over world economy. It is estimated that the amount of money spent on production of arms and ammunition throughout the world if preserved and spent on social measures for 5 5(five) years then poverty, hunger, disease and squalor will be eliminated. This is the naked truth. Many countries earmark a substantial portion of their budget on defense preparedness. It is interesting to note in this connection that in many countries the defense budget and expenditures are not subject to detailed discussion and debate in the respective parliaments, Congress and assemblies. In this connection I am of the opinion that border disputes will continue among the contiguous countries of the world. The great epic of Mahabharata that led to devastation and complete destruction of all imaginative time and intensity was the result of such desire for land and territory. This epic may not be a historical account but it has a great message and relevance for human being today. Similar message is available in Greek epics. The fact that land or territory has not been created by human being rather it has been there and in the process of evolution separate territories have been created. The modern humankind should realize this important truth and act accordingly so that all disputes related to territories and land should come to an end to the reasonable and rational legitimate benefits of all concerned. International body such as the UNO should take immediate and appropriate action in this regard. But unfortunately it is not happening with the stigma of the so called modern human being and modern civilization. It may be repeated in this connection that it is the unbridled greed that is solely responsible on territorial and other disputes between nations.
Religious fundamentalism breeds terrorism of all types in contemporary period. In the past various groups and tribes in the name of religion fought with each other. But in due course of time serious thoughtful individuals like philosophers, saints, and statesmen gave new insight about religion. It is this: Religions contain many dimensions of human existence. Religious metaphysics that is, worldviews, rituals and value systems are integral part of any religion. But what is happening today in the modern world is that ritualism is taking the primary place in religion. As a result followers of religions have started treating religious metaphysics and rituals as primary. Further, particular religions are being politicized so much so that some fanatics have started floating the idea of supremacy of Hindu faith, Islamic faith and so on. In the process, religious values are being neglected and thrown overboard. There is a sense in which the value systems of all religions are universal. But what had happened today is that politically inspired religionists have sacrificed the religious values. In important and significant sense there is no difference between Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity and so on. But the fundamentalists are unwilling to accept this. Humankind will improve, thrive and prosper only when the religious leaders sit together and shed their superficial differences so that a new era could dawn on the earth. The way religious fundamentalism is raising its ugly head, the day is not far off when the posterity will spend their time and energy to fight religious war. What is to be done? How to save the situation? I would like to suggest in this connection that our educational system stands in need of overhauling. It is not true that education begins in the schools and classrooms. As a matter of fact, family is the first school and mother is the first teacher. Therefore, in the family where the child is brought up should be taught the value of religious tolerance. Our text books 6 in this regard stand in need of revision and rewriting. With such measures may be in due course of time things will improve. The dichotomy between secular and religious is not sustainable. To be truly religious means not to superficially practice and preach any particular religion. In other words, to be truly religious means to have control on one’s self and to lead an absolutely austere life. This dimension of life is not taken care of. No amount of international collaboration including expansion of trade and commerce is going to solve the persistent human problem. I am of the strong opinion that there should be greater trade can be exchanged among all communities and countries of the world without exploitation of the other. To conclude, I wish to suggest that politics, economy and state cannot survive and sustain unless and until ancient and age old moral and religious values are revived, preached and practiced. This May sound utopia and idealistic but this is the only solution. If human beings wish to survive we have to come back to our eternal values advocated by saints, seers and prophets.

The writer is Professor, Department
of Philosophy
NEHU, Shillong.

By EMN Updated: Jun 29, 2015 11:14:19 pm
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