Oral Health Camps Held In Kohima And Longleng - Eastern Mirror
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Oral health camps held in Kohima and Longleng

By EM Bureau Updated: May 26, 2024 9:14 pm
Oral health camps
Officials and coaches of Youth Resources and Sports along with the athletes and team of NIST and Kekhro Smile Foundation during oral health camp at Indira Gandhi Stadium in Kohima on Sunday. (EM Images)

KOHIMA/DIMAPUR — The department of youth resources and sports (DYRS), in association with Nagaland Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) and Kekhro Smile Foundation, on Sunday organised an oral health camp-cum-awareness programme for the students of Indira Gandhi Stadium (IGS) in Kohima.

Speaking at the programme, the director of Youth Resources and Sports and special guest, Kethosituo Sekhose, informed that the IGS Kohima academy hosts 146 athletes, who are studying in schools and colleges.

He acknowledged the NIST led by Dr. Vinotsole (Tina) Khamo and Kekhro from Smile Foundation for voluntarily coming forward to the IGS Kohima to help the students as most of the students have other problems which a layman don’t understand.

He informed that over 50 students with dental health problems have availed services in the recent help check-up camp.

While stressing on the importance of dental hygiene, the director advised the athletes to be careful saying that no replacement is better than the original one. He further advised them to be careful with their teeth as it plays an integral part of one’s health, which should start from early life.

Dr. Pfukrolo Koza, founder member of Kekhro Smile Foundation, made a presentation and highlighted the importance of oral health which helps in digestion by chewing besides speech, facial profile with smile among others.

He highlighted the anatomy of tooth and the various stages of oral treatments and emphasised on the importance of oral hygiene adding that prevention is always better than cure. He pointed out that oral hygiene included all processes for keeping the mouth clean and healthy, which is necessary for prevention of dental health, periodontal (gums) disease, bad breath, other dental problems and general health conditions.

Dr. Koza also debunked the myths in dentistry by informing that vision is not affected by treatment or extraction of any tooth and added that infected teeth left untreated can spread the infection to other part of body and stressed on the need to take care of health.

He also informed that periodic cleaning of teeth in the formed of tartar (calculus) by scaling helps keep the gums healthy and highlighted the importance of regular check up. He further emphasised on the aspects of dental care for sportspersons and athletes on how to respond for eventualities and its care.

The programme was led by Megolhu Dolie, additional director of Youth Resources and Sports.

Following the awareness programme, oral health check-up and screening was done for the athletes.

In another programme, the National Oral Health Programme (NOHP), Longleng district conducted an awareness programme on oral health camp with the youth of Longleng Town Baptist Church on Sunday.

An update from the office of the chief medical officer (CMO), Longleng, stated that Dr. Nichukholie Vupru, NOHP district nodal officer and resource person, spoke on the importance of oral health for the overall wellbeing of the body.

In order to maintain good oral hygiene, he emphasised on the importance of regular brushing, limit intake of sugary food items, eating more fruits and vegetables rich in fibers and to avoid tobacco products. He also shared on the harmful effects of tobacco leading to oral cancer and other health problems.

He further stressed on the benefits of regular dental check up for early detection of oral cancer.

Dr. Vupru was accompanied by Dr. Chumei Nyam, dental surgeonm and media officer, Angshom Chemdok.

The programme was chaired by Baulong, youth executive member, and a song was presented by Metmei.

By EM Bureau Updated: May 26, 2024 9:14:13 pm
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