
Opinion of NITI Aayog SDG Score 2023-24 Pertaining to Nagaland

Published on Jul 18, 2024




The Sustainable Developmental Goal (SGD) Index, India of NITI Aayog 2023-24 for Nagaland as reported in our local dailies of 13th July 2024 has been an apparent point of discouragement. NPCC did not spend time to give a knee jerk response in slamming PDA Govt.  on the issue, on the ground that, Nagaland has been placed among the worst performing state and blaming the state Government again on corruption as a precursor for the for the low rating.

Readers will have to appreciate that, such index as SDG are not collected on foolproof sampling and are bound to have wide variation in interpretation. Analysts of SDG indices are themselves apologetic that, the results may be erroneous. Infact, NITI Aayog has come up with the reasoning that SDG India Index may not be reflective of the true position in Nagaland and blames on heavy reliance on secondary data. Methodology of SDG evaluation is multi-dimensional based on the 16 of the 17 United Nation SDGs. For the benefit of readers, the various United Nation SDGs are, 1. No Poverty; 2. Zero Hunger; 3. Good Health and Well Being; 4. Quality Education;  5. Gender Equality; 6. Clean Water and Sanitation; 7. Affordable and Clean Energy;

8. Decent work and Economic Growth; 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; 10 Reduced Inequalities; 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities; 12. Responsible consumption and Production; 13. Climate Change; 14. Life Below Water; 15. Life on Land; 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution; 17. Partnership for Goals.

On a more detailed note, the performance of Nagaland of Nagaland is not that bad categorically. On a score form 0-100 SDG scale,states are classified as 1. Aspirant (0-40 score); 2. Performer (50-64); 3. Front-Runner (65-99) and 4. Achiever (100). Nagaland has been classified as achiever in Gender Equality. I am sure our women folk will be happy about this and the men folk as well will take pride in this achievement. Apart from this, the State is a front-runner in 6 goals; Performer in 7 goals and Aspirant in 2 gaols. I believe the current SDG rating of the state does not call for unwarranted criticism on what we have not achieved but it provides us room for collective wisdom to climb higher. Nevertheless, that we are ranked at 25th position is an indication that we need to look for areas to improve upon. The Govt. of the day under the able leadership of Hon. Chief Minister Shri. Neiphiu Rio and his able Cabinet is on the job not just on parameters within the capabilities of the state but also in insourcing partnership for sustainable goals particularly on goals 8,9 and 11.

The performance of Nagaland on SDG scale would have been better if not for two reasons.

1. The Census. Our Census over the past decades since 1971 shows abnormal decadal growthsuggesting inflated census. This can result in false underperformance data in various well-being and developmental indices even if there is fulfilment of targeted approach. We nagas are still a nascent society and because of many reasons out census is yet to be stabilised. It is important that we have accurate census as all calculations, planning and prospecting depends on it.

2. Over enrolment on BPL Schemes. According to National Family Health Survey 2019-21, 67 % of Nagaland Population possess BPL Card. This will invariably lead to misinterpretation that Nagaland has a high population of people living below poverty line.

In conclusion, on a personal front, I believe participation of all stake holders in the state will immensely help in pushing the state forwards. Receptiveness of the people to this end is important. It is unfortunate that, NPCC do not have Elected Representatives in the NLA to legitimately debate issues but, still they can anytime provide constructive criticism and valuable suggestion instead of criticising just for the sake of criticism as they are wont to do so of and on. I also urge various Tribal bodies to proactively promote awareness on Goals 3,5,12,14 and 15 in the interest of their respective communities.

Dr. Chumben Murry

Ex. Minister & Advisor to the CM

Nagaland : Kohima