NTC: NSCN (IM) Ban ‘unacceptable’ - Eastern Mirror
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NTC: NSCN (IM) ban ‘unacceptable’

By EMN Updated: Oct 29, 2013 11:37 pm


In a press release the Nagaland Tribes Council have rejected the ban on NTC mooted by the NSCN (IM) for “deliberate negation of the principle of the Naga Hoho and the aspiration of the Nagas” in local dailies on 29th October 2013. In a prèss release the NTC says its objectives are to protect the Constitutional Rights of the Nagas of the State of Nagaland from abuse by others, very similar to UNC of Manipur. It also says that the NTC has objections to certain actions of the State Government which it considers are an illegitimate infringement of the rights of the Nagas of Nagaland. The release adds that, except for ‘some pertinent lapses of the Naga Hoho, the NTC is not against any Organization’. Evidence of this the release says can be referred to in its‘open statements by the President in the local papers very recently which the public have seen, read and heard. They cover the following areas : i. The Rationale of NTC Formation 3/10/2013; ii. Guidelines President of NTC to follow 17/10/2013 and iii. Protection of Nagaland Interest just a few days ago- The NTC statement also adds that it has clearly stated in the Media that while the NTC ‘remembers Naga aspiration’ it is not a Political Body. It reiterated that the Nagaland Tribes Council is founded in the Principles of: 1. Freedom for formation of any lawful Organization, 2. Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, 3. Any Organization not against it is NTC Partner. The release concludes stating that the above principles cannot be compromised and the Ban of the Nagaland Tribes Council is therefore ‘absolutely unacceptable’.

By EMN Updated: Oct 29, 2013 11:37:15 pm
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