NSCN (IM) Military Chief Expounds On Role Of Revolutionary Army - Eastern Mirror
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NSCN (IM) military chief expounds on role of revolutionary army

By EMN Updated: Jan 11, 2024 9:32 pm

DIMAPUR — Chief of the Naga Army, NSCN (IM), ‘Gen.’ Ningkhan Shimray has asserted that the pivotal role of the Naga Army is not to exploit the deficiencies within the National movement or its leadership, but to wholeheartedly back the “National policies” which, he said, is the “hallmark of a genuine revolutionary army.”

Speaking at the Naga Army Day celebration held at general headquarters, Camp Hebron, on Thursday, Shimray said that as a revolutionary army, they stand as torchbearers of political consciousness, warriors for Christ, steadfastly championing the noble cause that resonates at the core of Naga collective aspirations, and striving for a future steeped in justice and righteousness.

“Ours is a movement rooted in the pursuit of freedom and a tireless struggle. While we possess guns for self-defence, we recognise that these weapons do not define our strategy or shape our future.

“Instead, our trajectory hinges on political guidance, counsel, and advice from our esteemed party leaders, illuminating the path toward our destined destination. As dedicated soldiers aligned with a political party, our unwavering commitment resides in faithfully following the directives. Our unity thrives on the noble vision of Nagalim for Christ and the larger interests of the national party,” he said.

Maintaining that every action, strategy, or initiative the Naga Army undertakes is remains firmly rooted in the fundamental principles of the party, he reminded that any endeavour straying from these principles mirrors an attempt to grasp power through force – an approach antithetical to the revolutionary ethos.

“And to lead a revolutionary army devoid of these values is to court perilous ground, breeding conflict not just within ourselves but also antagonism toward the very essence of our party’s principles,” Shimray added.

The NSCN (IM) Army chief went on to say that upholding these principles is not just a mandate but also the essence that safeguards the sanctity of “our cause and ensures a collective, unwavering journey toward our shared vision.”

“In our collective consciousness, nobody supersedes the sanctity of the nation and the law- known as ‘Azha,’ nor stands beyond the bounds of the constitution, termed ‘Yezhabo.’ The moment we falter in upholding these foundational principles, we regress into a lawless, reactionary entity,” he cautioned.

Further, asserting that the overarching goal and purpose of the Naga Army reside in serving as a catalyst for the emancipation of the Naga people, he said that within the fabric of their entity, there exists no room for distinctions of clan, village, or tribe; instead, they (Naga Army personnel) coalesce as one unified family.

“Bound together by a singular cause, unwavering faith, and a shared destination, we transcend individual differences, standing as a unified front, resolute in our pursuit of freedom for our people wherever they are, transcending borders,” he said.

On the occasion, the Naga Army also paid homage to comrades who had sacrificed their lives for the Naga nation.

Also read: Some personal observations on the NSCN IM and Angami Public Organization meet of Nov.11.2015

By EMN Updated: Jan 11, 2024 9:32:05 pm
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