NSCN (IM) Hits Back At WC-NNPG - Eastern Mirror
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NSCN (IM) hits back at WC-NNPG

By EMN Updated: Jun 29, 2023 2:18 am

DIMAPUR— The NSCN (IM) on Wednesday said that the recent statement issued by the Working Committee of Naga National Political Groups (WC-NNPG), questioning its wisdom on various issues connected to the Indo-Naga political problem, came with a tinge of hypercritical tone.

“Another thing noted is the dissenting voices and frustration showing their helplessness to continue the Naga political struggle as they are no longer in control of themselves but somebody tightly holding the rein,” read a press release from MIP NSCN/GPRN.

It also accused the WC-NNPG of turning away from the principle of “one people one nation” that has carried the Naga political movement for more than seventy years and suggested they leave the struggle to bona fide Naga national workers if it is too heavy a load to carry.

“The world at large is at pain as the communal conflict in Manipur has taken the turn of state government sponsored pogrom. It is never the pleasure of NSCN in particular or the Nagas in general to be attracted by the troubled waters despite the unpleasant historical records,” it stated.

“Why indulge in wild allegations to score the elusive points against the NSCN?” it asked.

Besides raising questions on the take of NSCN (IM) on various matters, the WC-NNPG had also pointed out the reported congregation of Tangkhul village chiefs (Federation of Haomee) and Meiteis, on June, 10 to restore “lost ties” and the decision to jointly defend the territorial integrity of Manipur state.

By EMN Updated: Jun 29, 2023 2:18:48 am
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