NPCC adopts resolutions on Naga issue, border conflict
Dimapur, July 18 (EMN): The Political Affairs Committee (PAC) of the Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) during a meeting on July 16 passed a three-point resolution on the Naga political issue and ‘emerging disturbances’ on Assam-Nagaland border.
According to the resolution, the committee urged all 60 legislators to resign for implementation of political solution, ‘as there is nothing more to talk according to GoI Interlocutor, who is also the Governor of Nagaland’.
‘Their resignation will only demonstrate their sincerity towards implementation of political solution,’ it read.
The meeting cautioned Assam govt. on passing the Assam Cattle Preservation Bill, 2021 stating that it was ‘bound to create more trouble for neighbouring hill states and destroy the age-old ties that have withstood the test of time’.
Further, it expressed concern about the recent border provocation from Assam by deploying armed police personnel well ahead of neutral forces (CAPFs) deployment.
‘Both Assam and Nagaland Govt have taken the wrong path in resolving the long standing boundary disputes, Assam govt. for provocation and Nagaland govt for timid response.
‘Since the matter is still pending in Supreme Court, Assam govt. must stop its provocation and withdraw its armed police personnel from newly occupied positions. The CAPFs deployed along the disputed border areas must be placed under direct control and supervision of MHA,’ it read.