Dimapur, September 23
With the growing problem of noise pollution that has adverse effects on human health, Nagaland Pollution Control Board today issued a set of rules and regulation framed under the Environment (Protection) Act. The board also encouraged the general public to make formal complaints if there is any violation of rules to the Deputy Commissioner. The authority shall then act on the complaint and take action against the violator in accordance with the provisions of the rules and any other law in force.
The rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles have given rise to increasing ambient noise levels from various sources such as music systems, loud speakers/public address systems, generator sets, industrial activities, fire crackers and noise from vehicles which have deleterious effects on human health and the psychological well being of the people. People are unable to even sleep due to the noise produced by loud use of loud speakers/public address system, music system, bursting of firecrackers, etc.
The unpredictable, intermittent and impulsive noise produced by use of loud speakers/public address system, any sound producing instrument or musical instrument or a sound amplifier, bursting of firecrackers and unnecessary honking of horns turns into disharmony of noise. At times, what is music for some can be noise for others. In order to curb the growing problem of noise pollution, the Government of India has enacted the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 framed under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 which provides the regulation for noise.
A loud speaker or a public address system shall not be used except after obtaining written permission from the Deputy Commissioner.
A loud speaker or a public address system or any sound producing instrument or musical instrument or a sound amplifier shall not be used at night (between 10.00 pm to 6.00 am) except in closed premises for communication within e.g. auditoria, conference rooms, community halls and banquet halls or during a public emergency.Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-rule (2), the State government may subject to such terms and conditions as are necessary to reduce noise pollution permit use of loud speakers or public address systems during night hours (between 10.00 p.m. to 12.00 midnight) on or during any cultural or religious festive occasion of a limited duration not exceeding fifteen days in all during a calendar year.
A person may, if the noise level exceeds the ambient noise standards by 10 dB (A) or more given in the corresponding columns against any area / zone or, if there is a violation of any provision of these rules regarding restrictions imposed during night time, make a complaint to the Deputy Commissioner.
Under the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 the Ambient Air Quality standards in respect of noise for different areas/zones is given below:-
The effects of noise to human health can be hearing impairment. Hearing impairment can be either temporary or permanent. Temporary impairment is a temporary loss of hearing acuity experienced after a relatively short exposure to excessive noise. Permanent impairment is an irreversible loss of hearing that is caused by prolonged noise exposure.
The primary effects of sleep disturbance are difficulty in falling asleep, awakenings and alteration interfering of sleep stages or depth, increase blood pressure, heart rate, etc. The secondary effects are reduced perceived sleep quality, increased fatigue, depressed mood or well being and decreased performance.
Noise annoyance may be defined as a feeling of displeasure evoked by noise and is basically a psychological response. The consequences are often ill temper, bickering and even enmity.
A number of physiological disorders result by interference of biological functioning of the body as a consequence of over exposure to noise. They are neurosis, anxiety, insomnia, hypertension, giddiness and nausea, fatigue and increase in sweating. Chronic noise may lead to abortions and congenital defects in children too. Startling sound can quicken human fetus’s heart rate and cause its muscle to contract. Malformation in the fetus’s nervous system may also be caused.