
NNC seeks unity of all Nagas under its banner

Published on Apr 13, 2023




DIMAPUR — Claiming that the Naga National Council (NNC) is the sole political institution of the Naga nation and the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) is the only legitimate government of Nagaland, the NNC has appealed to all fellow Nagas to unite again under its banner as before in their common fight for sovereignty.

In an article titled “Be a true Naga and do the right,” written by the joint secretary of NNC, Acüyi Vadeo, stated that Nagas are not Indians at all and Nagaland was never a part of India. He added that Nagas are inherently a sovereign independent people and a free nation in nature of their lifestyle and practices.

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He stated that when its president, AZ Phizo, died in London on April 30, 1990, the Naga people unanimously elected Adinno Phizo as the successive president of NNC on May 12, 1990, in Kohima village.

He, however, added that the ‘so-called’ new NNC led by Khodao Yanthan was formed, which was followed by other fake NNC groups and fake NNC/FGN of late occurred to hijack the people mandate from NNC.

He has also cited the formation of ‘so-called’ Revolutionary group on November 2, 1968, which later surrendered to India on August 16, 1973. Besides, he has mentioned the formation of National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) led by Isak Swu, Th. Muivah, SS Khaplang and Khole on January 31, 1980, by defecting from NNC/FGN. He added that the NSCN was later divided into two groups on April 30, 1988, known as NSCN-IM and NSCN-K and then sub-divided one after another into many groups of NSCN.

He went on to state that NNC/FGN had coined 77 words of the Naga nation such as Yehzabo, Oking, Kedahge, Kedallo, Ato Kilonser, Killo Kilonser, other  Killonsers, Tatar Hoho, Tatar, Leacy Hoho, Leacy, Razou Peyu and the rest. As the above mentioned milestones were laid by the NNC and FGN, he stated that “defectors, impostors or factions” have no right to use those vocabularies.   

Stating that the NNC/FGN and the true Nagas have sacrificed their lives and their all in defence of Naga nation since 1946 with the people’s mandate, he has called upon the people to discern the right and the wrong as a true Naga and do the right.