NNC (PB) President Allocates Portfolios; YRC States Royim Is Expelled - Eastern Mirror
Friday, June 28, 2024

NNC (PB) president allocates portfolios; YRC states Royim is expelled

By EMN Updated: May 20, 2024 11:04 pm

DIMAPUR — President Z Royim of the Naga National Council (NNC) Parent Body (PB) has allocated portfolios to his council of kilonsers.

According to a press release, Francis Kikon has been appointed general secretary, Akhcho Achumi has been appointed chairman (UT), Akiuba has been appointed deputy finance kilonser, Adio Tz has been appointed kilo kilonser/special secretary to collective leadership, and Bantu Zeliang has been appointed advisor to collective leadership.

The allocations were made during an all-party emergency meeting on May 17 through a unanimous decision by the collective leadership, joint council of kilonsers, military wing commanders, and tatars.

The release mentioned that the decision aims to strengthen the organisation, achieve its long-standing objectives and foster unity among the various Naga groups and Naga people in general.

Z Royim denounced, expelled — YRC

Meanwhile, in a press release, the Yimkhiung Regional Council (YRC) stated that Z Royim has been denounced and expelled from the NNC setup due to his act of betrayal and compromising the Naga people’s democratic rights for freedom.

It said that the decision to remove and expel him was taken unanimously by the NNC (Parent Body) as a whole.

“Therefore, Z. Royim is no longer a part of the NNC (Parent Body) and should not be confused for one by the Naga people and particularly the Yimkhiung Region NNC (Parent Body). In fact, in the past, he was also using some other organisation’s name and was expelled by that group too,” it said, adding that Royim should never meddle in the affairs of the NNC (PB).

By EMN Updated: May 20, 2024 11:04:23 pm
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