NNC/FGN Split: Singnya, Vero Groups Trade Barbs - Eastern Mirror
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NNC/FGN split: Singnya, Vero groups trade barbs

By EMN Updated: Oct 22, 2024 9:05 pm

DIMAPUR — The internal conflict within the Naga National Council/Federal Government of Nagaland (NNC/FGN) escalated on Tuesday with two separate groups announcing the impeachment of their rival leaders, each claiming legitimacy and control over the organisation.

On October 21, a group within the FGN announced the impeachment of Brigadier (Retd) S Singnya from the position of Kedahge (President), citing his advanced age, alleged incompetence, and accusations of treason. During the impeachment, conducted during an emergency session of the Tatar Hoho (parliament) held in Dimapur, Singnya was accused of lacking integrity. It was also claimed that his decisions were driven by “vested interests” and prioritised “individual interest before national interest.”

Singnya was also accused of “treason” and “colluding with enemy forces and individuals with vested interests to divide and weaken the NNC/FGN.”

Citing Article 22 and Article 28 of the Yehzabo of Nagaland, the Tatar Hoho, on finding him guilty of the charges/allegations, “unanimously” voted for the impeachment of Brig. (Retd) S. Singnya.

As per Article 29 of the Yehzabo, the Kedallo (Vice President) was to assume the role of acting Kedahge until a new leader could be elected, it added.

Subsequently, on Tuesday, the Tatar Hoho convened a meeting in Dimapur which was attended by the Council of Kilonsers, Tatars, Midan Peyus, NNC representatives, and high-ranking Naga Army officials.

“The Tatar Hoho of the NNC/FGN elected Ino Zhopra Vero as the Kedahge, NNC/FGN and Ino Hekhuvi Achumi, as the Kedallo, NNC/FGN in accordance with the laid down provisions of the Yehzabo of Nagaland to take charge of office with immediate effect for a period of five years for the tenure 2024 – 2029”, stated a press release issued after the meeting.

It also expressed “unconditional support” to Vero’s leadership as the NNC/FGN’s representative to the Naga National Political Groups (NNPG), and his position as co-convenor of the Working Committee, NNPG– a  signatory of the 2017 Agreed Position with the government of India.

Impeachment ‘null and void’

However, in a counter-statement issued on Tuesday, the Singnya camp declared the previous day’s impeachment of Singnya as “null and void” and instead, announced the impeachment of Zhopra Vero from his position as Kedallo.

The Singnya group argued that the NNC/FGN Yehzabo does not grant the Kedallo or the Speaker of the Tatar Hoho the authority to impeach the Kedahge or convene an emergency session of the Tatar Hoho.

Stating that Brig. (Retd) S Singnya convened an emergency meeting on Tuesday at Sanglao village, to deliberate the present issues with all the council of Kilonsers, regional Midan Peyus and high ranking Naga Army officers, it also accused Vero of various wrongdoings.

“Zhopra Vero campaigned to overthrow the government. He clandestinely tried to claim/sat the position of Kedahge and also played a game of hide and seeks politics to remove the honorable Mr. Senka Ao from the position of President NNC”, it said.

It went on to say that Vero has a history of being impeached from previous positions within the NNC/FGN, citing two instances during his time as Joint Secretary and as Regional President of the Chakhesang region.

The Singnya group alleged that Vero has become a “a problem creator/trouble maker of the day within the NNPGs by colluding and feeding the wrong information with others without consulting the council of Kilonsers with the habit of one man one government.”

Further, it accused him of “enormous” financial misappropriation during his 15-year tenure as the Minister of Chaplee Affairs.

Also read: NNC Lotha region holds meeting

By EMN Updated: Oct 22, 2024 9:05:35 pm
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