Nagas From Across The Border Seek Relaxation - Eastern Mirror
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Nagas from across the border seek relaxation

By Our Reporter Updated: May 13, 2020 10:03 pm
Bor Lengri sealed border
Seen in the picture is a sealed bridge between Assam and Nagaland at Bor-lingri, Dimapur, on May 13.

Our Reporter
Dimapur, May 13(EMN):
Continuing with restriction on the movement of people due to the lockdown following the global Covid-19 pandemic, residents of Borlingri in Dimapur have expressed anguish as the main lifeline that connects them to the commercial hub has been blocked by the district administration since May 11.

Speaking to Eastern Mirror, a student leader and resident of Borlingri, Khochamo Kikon, informed that a gate was erected on Monday night, which was then completely sealed off. Other exit points have also been sealed off in the wake of the lockdown.

“We have more than 15,000 households in this colony and even though these are government orders, the plight of the people should also be understood,” said Kikon. He added that even though it’s for everyone’s well being, there are also frontline workers whose cases required consideration as they need to get out and perform their duty.

Kikon reasoned that if a relaxation could be considered, it would be a big help to those people in need of medical emergency.

Following the lockdown, a kidney patient from Borlingri, who required dialysis, had to be carried across the small stream near the erected gate to get to the hospital on Tuesday morning.

“The lockdown is fine but there has to be some relaxation for entry and exit points for necessary situations,” said another resident. He has particularly empathised especially with those unprivileged section with infirmity, who were deprived medical facilities.

The residents have protested that entry and exit at border areas are still enforced despite reports, which was widely circulated on local dailies on May 12.

A statement from the general secretary of Borlengri village committee stated that while they adhering to the standing order from the government of Nagaland, the total shut down and sealing of border area have heavily impacted the lives of people living in the colony.

The residents have requested the concerned authority to exempt import of essential commodities, the sick and ailing people who have to go to the hospital and persons on duty.

By Our Reporter Updated: May 13, 2020 10:03:33 pm
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