FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2025


Nagaland’s top 7 exotic foods: Have you tried them yet?

Published on May 27, 2023



Nagaland is a state of diverse cultures and traditions, and one can find exotic foods, cuisines and unique edibles at the local market

Mharhoni Tsopoe

KOHIMA — There are varieties of food found in Nagaland, each with its own distinct taste and smell.

Culturally rich, Nagaland has always been a place where distinctive and unexpected foods are considered normal.

Silk Worms

 exotic foods

Silk worms are usually reared to produce silk for clothing and textiles but in Nagaland, it is a delicacy enjoyed by locals, either boiled or fried. Locals usually add a dash of bamboo shoot juice to add extra flavour and enhance the taste.

Silkworms are considered to be rich protein foods that can be eaten by sick people who aren't allowed to consume fats or meat.

Wood Worms

 exotic foods

This red worm has a distinct smell, which is thick, creamy and rich in texture. Locals enjoy it with locally brewed rice beer and believe that it cures high blood pressure. This is usually consumed by the Angami tribe in Nagaland and is considered to be quite luscious because of strong fragrance and chewy texture.


 exotic foods

Though not uncommon in South East Asia, only people from the North-East in India relish this delicacy. Nagas believe in the healing effects of frog meat and many consume it when they are healing from a wound, and even place its skin on top of the wound. It is believed that frog meat taste best when it is steamed and fried with local banana flowers.

Escargot/ Snails

 exotic foods

Escargot or snails are considered edible in many areas. It can be served in its shell or by removing it; it is a delicacy that can be fairly expensive when ordered in a restaurant because they are usually grown on special paddy farms. Nagas as food gourmands love to eat these snails especially when it is cooked with pork, axone (fermented soyabeans) and potatoes.


 exotic foods

Grasshoppers are popular snacks enjoyed by Naga people. They are nutritious and tastes crispy once fried. Locals prefer eating grasshoppers along with black tea or local wine during small gatherings after a weary day from work.

Red ants

 exotic foods

Red ants, also part of the Nagas’ rich food culture, are consumed by people who can handle sourness. Red ants are found in big trees wrapped in its hives.

It is disliked by some, and loved by many as it has a unique taste -- sour and peppery – and quite interesting to chew especially when it enters the mouth and makes little bursting sound. Its sting can be painful but not poisonous which makes it more interesting for locals to go and hunt for it.

Bee Larvae

 exotic foods

Bee larvae are eaten as a delicacy, and very popular and in demand among the Nagas. It is also considered as a ‘rich man's food’. Although it is quite expensive, it is liked by many as it delectable taste -- it has a creamy and rich texture, which makes it different from other regular worms.

Next time you are in Nagaland, see if you are brave enough to try out all or some of Nagaland’s unexpected and exotic foods. Nagaland’s exotic foods

Also read: Nagaland State Museum has over 4000 artefacts; attracts up to 1 lakh visitors annually