NNPGs Post Framework Accord of Aug. 3, 2015, the people of Nagaland continue to be taken for a ride by NSCN (IM) through its propaganda ministry, promising imaginary political institution while the GOl, time and again made it clear that breaking up neighboring Indian states to integrate all Naga inhabited areas was out of question.
Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) working Group reaffirm that the aspiration of all Nagas to live under one political roof remains an undying desire, yet the most essential component of the quest, the Integration of Naga areas, not on the anvil, profound sounding political terminologies cannot silence indigenous tribes of Nagaland. The NNPGs declare that civil societies and tribes of Nagaland have no hesitation whatsoever in saying to the GOI that if the question of integration issue be outside the purview of GOI- NSCN (IM) talks, separate acceptable solutions for Nagas living in various Indian administered territories must he pursued without ambiguity. GOI must look into the grievances of Nagas living in other states and announce political steps for their progress and upliftment. The NNPGs Working Group, taking the confidence of mainland Nagas, must seek a permanent political solution. History cannot be altered, the genesis of Naga struggle has its roots in present Nagaland. It is the cradle. Our Naga brothers and sisters from Burma, Manipur and elsewhere joined the political struggle at a later stage and this has to be acknowledged. Today, Nagas everywhere must understand that there has been a natural evolution of the Indo-Naga political issue, fuelled by external forces and internal strife. At hand is the GOI making its position clear on the issue of Naga integration. The NSCN (IM) leadership, inexplicably continue to indulge in unrepentant theatrical politics in their nonexistent land called Nagalim.
The church, the tribes and the intellectuals, have pointed out the perennial flaw in the last twenty years of the political talks between GOI and IM. A single political group cannot decide the political future of all Nagas. The dangers of impractical political settlements cannot be overlooked. Consequences have been far reaching in the past. The GOI knows too well.
The Working Group (WG) of Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) have met and sought opinions of much of the civil societies and tribes of Nagaland and recognising the bare truth that the Framework Accord signed between the GOI and NSCN (IM) on Aug. 3, 2015 does not mention the word Manipur or any other state where Nagas inhabit, there is absolutely a clear, definite and unavoidable political roadmap on the table requiring political wisdom and decisiveness of the government of India (GOI) to understand the situation and address the political aspirations of the following:
1. Nagas of Nagaland, 2. Nagas of Manipur, 3. Nagas of Assam and 4. Nagas of Arunachal Pradesh. Without the people's consent and approval, political agreements remain mere papers.
Of late the MIP of NSCN (IM) is churning out press releases inserting names of officials from proper Nagaland such as Akaho Assumi, Elian Z Lotha, Zeneituo Angami, Hukavi Yepthomi etc. as authors, worshipping the Framework Agreement.
In all probability these officials are honest workers yet their neighbours and acquaintances would testify they are not equipped to put pen to paper to air their political views in the media. The question is, do NSCN (IM) statement gets more attention by inserting names of workers from Nagaland? Recently the names of seventy one officials from Nagaland appeared in the local dailies, pleading Nagas of Nagaland to accept Framework Agreement. Alas, it is not the number of Kilonsers and Tatars hailing from Nagaland. It is practical politics which requires indigenous Nagas of Nagaland to determine their political future basing on historical facts, present status and desire for the future. Clearly, Nagaland tribe national workers in the NSCN (IM) were utilized as a propaganda tool and it is not hard for readers to sense sinister ploy at work. Who is keeping an eye on Nagas based on topography?
NSCN (IM) top decision-making body, overwhelmingly Nagas from Manipur, numbering hundreds, instead of playing childish politics of pasting workers from Nagaland and making brash and unruly noise in the media, should opt for honest and frank deliberation with the rest of Nagas. The threats and intimidations against members of civil societies, tribal hohos leaders of Nagaland are unacceptable and best avoided in the Interest of all concerned. Tribes of Nagaland are swift and spontaneous against perpetrators of inhuman acts and imposition of unacceptable accords. A humane approach could heal much wound.
NNPGs and Nagas of Nagaland are not traitors neither do they question or threaten the activities of United Naga Council of (UNC), Naga Women's Union Manipur (NWUM) and various Naga Organisations in Manipur who are doing much to defend the interest of Nagas in Manipur. In the same manner Nagaland civil societies, Tribes, Hohos will protect and defend their interest at all times and so questions of sabotaging NSCN (IM)’s political dialogue does not arise.
GOl must recognise the political aspiration of the people of Nagaland. The NNPGs have, in principle, agreed to explore and exercise all political options in the interest of mainland Nagas in particular and all Nagas in general, until appropriate time in future when emotional integration will ultimately lead to physical integration of Nagas, fulfilling the vision of the forefathers.
Issued by: Media Cell, Working Group (WG) NNPGs