SUNDAY, MARCH 09, 2025


Nagaland Legislative Assembly passes 5-point resolution on Naga political issue

Published on Aug 4, 2021

By Reyivolü Rhakho


CM addressing the house during the 8th session on 13 NLA. (DIPR)

Our Correspondent
Kohima, Aug. 3 (EMN):
The Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) unanimously adopted a five-point resolution on the Naga political issue on the first day of the eight session of 13th NLA on Tuesday.

Chief Minister Rio moved the resolution for adoption and was seconded by Health Minister S Pangnyu Phom. Following unanimous endorsement by the members, the resolution was passed on the floor of the House through a voice vote.

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The House resolved to appeal to the negotiating parties of the Indo-Naga political dialogue to resume the peace talks with a positive approach and mutual respect for each other by setting aside pre-conditions, in deference to the Naga people's cry for long-term peace, and resolve the contentious issues of the competencies at the earliest.

It urged all the Naga political groups to make serious efforts towards unity and reconciliation.

“The constant antagonism against each other, especially in public space and the media is sending out a wrong message to the masses, considering the fact that we are all pursuing the same aspiration of peace and political solution. Taking the positive example set by the elected members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, who have risen above party affiliations to unite for the Naga political issue, the Naga political groups should make concerted efforts, and listen to the voice of the people for unity and oneness,” it read.

While appreciating the constant role and contributions of the churches, civil societies and the NGOs towards facilitating peace and strengthening the peace process, the House appealed to the civil societies, mass-based organisations and the tribal hohos to make renewed efforts towards creating a conducive atmosphere for the early realisation of a political solution by pursuing unity, reconciliation and oneness.

It said that all members of the House had come together under the same banner in line with the election manifestos of all political parties committing themselves to the people that all the elected members were prepared to make any sacrifices for an inclusive, honourable and acceptable solution.

The House went on to appeal to the Naga political negotiating groups to come together in order to hammer out their differences, and give the people one solution and one agreement.