Nagaland Flower Growers’ Society Organises Sales Day - Eastern Mirror
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Nagaland Flower Growers’ Society organises sales day

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: May 09, 2024 8:18 pm
Flowers being put up on sale organised by the Nagaland Flower Growers’ Society near PWD Junction in Kohima on Thursday. (EM images)

KOHIMA — With Mother’s Day around the corner, Nagaland Flower Growers’ Society (NFGS) began its three-day flower sales day on Thursday by offering special discounts for the occasion.

Located near PWD Junction, Kohima, varieties of flowers ranging from fresh cut flowers, bouquet, dried flowers, evergreen and succulents etc. were up for sale besides offering a visual treat.

NFGS president, Sungtinaro Jamir, informed that the society organises a sales day around this time every year. The society comprised mostly of mothers, who not only grow flowers, but some of them are government employees, teachers, entrepreneurs, homemakers and so on.

Informing that ten new members were added this time, she stated that a lot of people have expressed their desire to join the society but registration was not kept opened for everyone. 

It was informed that the society has been organising the event annually over the past several years.

While the turnover from the sales could not be ascertained as it is individual income, she said the growers are earning a lot. As a society, they are organising the event to promote the growers, she added.

Besides the sales day every year, she informed that NFGS also decorates major events in the state such as Hornbill Festival, Statehood Day and Republic Day etc.

She further informed that they have been pursuing a permanent place in the city where they can organise sales day from time to time in a year. However, they could not find a proper space till date. This year’s location was ‘ideal’ as it has what it takes to grow flowers, she added.

It was learned that the flowers on sale were reportedly sourced from across Nagaland, other states and outside the country. The sales day event will culminate on May 11.

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: May 09, 2024 8:18:01 pm
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