Published on Nov 26, 2022
Our Reporter
Dimapur, Nov. 25 (EMN): Dimapur Bar Association celebrated its silver jubilee at Exposition Hall, Agri-Expo site in 4th Mile, Chümoukedima, on November 25.
Speaking on the occasion as the jubilee speaker, president of Nagaland Bar Association (NBA), Akito Zhimomi, stated that it is the duty of lawyers to recognised, scrutinise and dissect the people’s views at personal level and professional level and ultimately argue for the cause of justice. Zhimomi added that all have gathered as they have made the conscious decision to become lawyers and added that it takes courage to be a lawyer in a place like Nagaland.
[bsa_pro_ad_space id=6]Stating that an enquiring mind is an everyday exercise in their life, he encouraged the lawyers to improve themselves and the circumstances around them. He also advised to keep learning on daily basis with diligence, sincerity and most importantly to have an enquiring mind.
Zhimomi stated that the Bar in Nagaland could have progress to a higher level as compared to the present situation. He lamented that despite almost 60 years of statehood, Nagaland do not have a separate High Court to which attributed to pure ignorance. He expressed that there is a general reservation about people in the legal fraternity especially by those in the politics, who felt that judiciary be best left alone.
Zhimomi appealed the central government that the future of the people of the state and future of administration of justice should not be subjected to political expectancy and that that they must be given a separate High Court as soon as possible.
Zhimomi also pointed that one of the factors which has inhibited the legal fraternity from excelling and inspiring was tribalism which has detrimental effect on legal fraternity. He urged the gathering to support each other and remove all negativity among themselves. He further urged the gathering to work for the uplift of the legal fraternity for the betterment of the society and themselves.
Speaking on the topic “Essence of advocacy,” president of High Court Bar Association, CT Jamir, shared on the three important organs in a democratic country comprising Legislature, Executive and Judiciary.
Jamir stated that judiciary plays an important role in maintaining rule of law and added that rule of law was paramount and no one is above the law. Jamir also explained the importance of five “C” duties of a lawyer, which are duty to client, duty to the colleagues, duty to the court, duty to the community, and duty to the country.
He said that legal profession is not a profession for earning money, but it is a service and not a market saying, law is a profession.
Jamir expressed that the value of their profession, ethics are going down as many lawyers were not doing justice to their service, He urged the lawyers to remember that law profession was created not for private gain but for public good.
Jamir further stated that an advocate is an officer of the court and should not solicit lies and never advertise themselves adding that any form of advertising is unethical as a lawyer. While reminding that Bar is the nursery of bench, he said it is important to have an efficient and effective bar.