Nagaland Congress Asks Governor To Dismiss UDA Government - Eastern Mirror
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Nagaland Congress asks Governor to dismiss UDA government

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: Jun 01, 2022 10:03 pm
K Therie addressing a press conference on Wednesday at Congress Bhavan in Kohima. (EM Images)

Our Correspondent
Kohima, June 1 (EMN):
Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) President K Therie on Wednesday wrote to the state governor demanding the dismissal of United Democratic Alliance (UDA) government claiming that it “no more” represents the people and not performing its constitutional duty.

“We don’t want this type of government who doesn’t represent the people,” he said at a press conference held at Raj Bhavan Congress in Kohima. 

He said that he expected the chief minister “to deny” the NSCM (IM)’s allegation that the state legislators were “overstepping their role as facilitators” of the Naga peace process.

Stating that the CM had “not reacted”, Therie asked whether “he represents Nagaland people or he represents nothing. If he represents nothing, then why should he sit in the chair of the people’s government? He should be dismissed”.

Further, “the statement is an admission that NSCN (IM) is running the state government and not UDA”, deliberately allowing extortion deliberately on all the items systematically, he claimed.

“Insurgent summons are more feared and people take their dispute cases to insurgent courts now. Administration has long collapsed,” read the representation submitted to the governor. 

“The acts are in total defiance of the oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India as established by law and to uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India. Therefore, I demand that the Government be dismissed,” it added.

The NPCC president also claimed that the role of a facilitator “has been assigned by the NSCN (IM) ”.

“The government is no longer the people’s government but is acting under the directive and playing a role of facilitator as assigned by NSCN (IM),” he claimed.

“As a state government, they should be able to say that there are ‘two official agreements, the Framework Agreement (FA( and the Agreed Points (AP)’. The state government should be in a position to voice out for the ‘immediate implementation’ of the two agreements. With elected leaders assured to pave the way, they should be able to say ‘as soon as you are ready to implement, dismiss us,” he said. 

He also alleged that the core committee on Naga issue had “submitted our sovereign power to the Assam government” by involving Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma in the Naga political talk.

“Why should it be dragged to another state and why should we consult another state?” he asked.

On the NSCN (IM)’s demand for a separate flag and constitution, he said that GOI and NSCN (IM) have “inner understanding,” which was conveyed to him by the GOI.

“Why they (NSCN-IM) back out from the inner understanding which they have finalised before the Framework Agreement?” he asked, adding that the talks about flag and constitution started after signing the accord.

He said that it is necessary for the NPGs to come together for the solution. “It will be one law and one proclamation and everybody has to obey that. We have to take the lead and only a strong government can tackle that,” he said.

He went on to add that 25 years “without a solution” is enough.

“No clear concrete paper and concrete suggestion was made public till now. The people of the state have said what they wanted and GOI knows that,” he said while asking why solution can’t be arrived at despite talks for 25 years.

Unlike in the past, he said, people today don’t want to struggle because of threats and extortion from “our own brothers”.

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: Jun 01, 2022 10:03:00 pm
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