Naga Society Don’t Talk About Mental Health Issue–K Mere - Eastern Mirror
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Naga society don’t talk about mental health issue–K Mere

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: Jun 20, 2023 11:42 pm

KOHIMA— Psychologist and chairman of Carl Rogers Institute of Mental Health and School Counseling (CRIMHSC), Kezhazolie Mere, disclosed that Naga society in general do not talk about mental health issues and men in particular are not able to express their emotions due to the stigma attached to them sharing their emotions.

“Since childhood men were made to learn that they should not be emotional or weak. They are somehow portrayed in the society as provider for the family. With that mindset, they don’t express it even when they feel sad and gets weak,” Mere said.

He stated that majority of the men don’t even know where to find help because they are not aware that such thing exists. He added that men are portrayed in the society in such a way that they should be strong because if men are weak, the society becomes weak.

“The stigmatisation in our society is such that when a male in general start crying or start getting emotional, people laugh at them. No one wants to accept a man who cries or get emotional and everyone speaks bad about them. But whereas when it comes to a female crying in the society, people try to comfort them whereas it is opposite to male,” Mere observed.

“This is something that all should talk about instead of hiding it,” he added.

Free counseling for men

In an effort to create awareness and to celebrate the men mental health month (June), the CRIMHSC is providing free counseling services to men for a week starting on June 26, he informed.

The counseling would be made available offline at CRIMHSC, online via video conference and over phone call. Any men could can avail the opportunity, he informed.

He believed that such awareness could gradually help people unlearn some of the stigma that exists in the society.

The free counseling, he said, is a small step to make men aware that people are out there to talk about it. He added that men mental health issue should start right from parenting as well as in schools. He also explained in detail the different stages of stresses a person can go through.

Earlier last month, the institute conducted a week-long stress awareness week during which it reached out to around 1300 teachers and students in Nagaland. They were able to identify at least 200 to 250 “suicidal students,” which according to him is a sad reality.

Also read: Young Nagas opening up on mental health issues

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: Jun 20, 2023 11:42:25 pm
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