Published on Dec 9, 2023
DIMAPUR — The Working Committee of the Naga National Political Groups (WC-NNPG) has reiterated that the political talks between the Government of India and the Nagas have concluded.
The WC-NNPG was responding to a news item which appeared in the local dailies on Nov. 30, wherein Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio reportedly said the talks between GoI and Nagas are “deadlocked.”
“The opinion is misleading and a disservice to the people of Nagaland because the then Governor, the constitutional head, had announced in the floor of the assembly in 2021, that political negotiations with all negotiators had concluded,” the WC-NNPG said in a press release.
The group said it has been confirmed that the position of GoI is clear and that it is committed to ushering in honourable and acceptable solution to the Naga people at the earliest.
“Whether the GoI officially conveyed to the CM that the talks are deadlocked, is for him to clarify to the people as a facilitator,” it said.
Maintaining that a solid foundation has been laid through the ‘Agreed Position’ on Nov. 17, 2017, the WC-NNPGs expressed confidence that the GoI will not betray the trust of the Naga people.
“Nagaland CM, having pledged to uphold and defend the Indian constitution, must avoid indulging in insensitive passive political innuendos which pleases only anti-Naga solution elements in the IM from Manipur state. Generalising Naga issue as deadlocked is uncalled for. He must ensure a legacy of straight talk; insist on practical, honourable and acceptable political solution,” it said.
The group also reminded that on Oct. 13, 2021, the chief minister and his cabinet colleagues had briefed the WC-NNPG delegation in New Delhi, that the United Democratic Alliance's first real achievement was removing RN Ravi from gubernatorial role in Nagaland, to ensure that the Indo-Naga political issue would be resolved at the earliest.
But, two years down the line, the facilitators are yet to prove themselves and exhibit genuine practical intent to the Naga people, it said.
Asserting that a “negotiated political matters” between the GoI and WC-NNPG is firmly on the table of the GoI, awaiting final settlement, the WC-NNPG however alleged that the activities of the rival NSCN (IM) going all out to prolong and sabotage the political solution has become obvious.
“A deadlock will result in one or all parties abrogating the ceasefire, abandon designated camps and resuming the struggle. Nagaland state chief minister is aware that every month IM leadership, mainly from Manipur state, continues to shuttle comfortably between Hebron designated camp and Indian MP designate bungalow in Lodhi Estate, New Delhi, ever cursing Nagaland state and its founding pioneers,” it said.
The WC-NNPG further insisted that there is a dire need of a political will on the part of GoI to announce a political agreement with the Nagas, basing on the official announcement on Oct. 31, 2019 with negotiating entities.
“A new relationship and a fresh beginning must be initiated with the Nagas. A powerful hope and dream; of co-existence and enduring peace, must be given to future Naga generations. This is what WC-NNPG negotiated for,” it added.
Also read: ‘GoI, NSCN (IM) committed to concretise Naga political talks’