
Naga Hoho slams action of 8 Naga MLAs of Manipur

Published on Aug 20, 2023




DIMAPUR — The Naga Hoho has condemned the “treacherous” action of the eight Naga members of Manipur Legislative Assembly who declared to “support and protect the integrity of Manipur state.”

The Naga Hoho in a press release termed the action of the eight MLAs as a betrayal of the aspirations of the Naga people and which also “callously jeopardized the very identity and future of the Nagas.”

“In an act of utter disdain for the collective will of the Naga community, these 8 Naga MLAs have inexplicably joined hands with 32 Meiteis MLAs to forward a representation to the Prime Minister of India without any meaningful consultation with the Naga civil society organisations (CSOs), which are the true representatives of the Naga people,” the release stated.

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The hoho also said that the “appalling move” of the eight MLAS clearly demonstrates their total disregard for the political aspirations of the Nagas, their lack of vision and an abhorrent ignorance of the historical struggle that Naga people have endured.

“It is a pitiful display of spineless leadership that these individuals have put their personal interests and political survival above the well-being and aspirations of the Naga people who entrusted them with their votes,” it stated.

The hoho also said that instead of championing the cause of the Nagas and safeguarding their rightful place in history, the Naga MLAs have chosen to pander to certain sections of society and political leaders to secure their own seats of power.

The hoho reminded the eight Naga MLAs that those who fail to understand their history and heritage are akin to wandering animals without direction.

It went on to state that these MLAs do not hold the moral authority to claim representation of the Nagas at this juncture.

“The Naga Hoho also like to put across that not even an inch of the Naga territory should be used as a battleground of ethnic conflict or for any other purposes by outsiders with vested interests without the explicit authorisation of the Nagas.

“The Naga Hoho remains resolute in its commitment to preserve and defend the historical and traditional land of the Nagas. We firmly oppose any attempt by outsiders within the ancestral Naga territory to assert proprietary rights over the land through the manipulation of historical narratives,” the hoho stated.

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