
Naga Baptist Leaders Meet 2023 cum General Assembly concludes

Published on Mar 26, 2023



Participants of Naga Baptist Leaders Meet 2023 cum General Assembly pose for a photograph. (FNBA)

DIMAPUR— As many as 131 delegates from 35 Naga Baptist associations and organisations across Myanmar, Manipur, Assam and Nagaland converged at Jalukie Town Local Baptist Church for Naga Baptist Leaders Meet 2023 cum General Assembly of Fellowship of Naga Baptist Association (FNBA).

The two-day event held on the theme "Redefining Naga Christianity" concluded on March 24 with the FNBA adopting a few resolutions under its president Rev. Dr. Visor H Zeliang, according to an update from the association.

“The FNBA as a fellowship of the Baptist family resolved to firmly stand together as brothers and sisters across the borders, in all situations in defense of the biblical faith in Jesus Christ,” read the resolution.

It also “resolved to revisit its faith and ministry, to be consistent with the biblical teachings so as to live and act above the nominal level of Christian faith and practices”, while expressing gratitude to Jalukie Town Local Baptist Church for generously hosting the event.

During the inaugural service on March 23, Rev. Dr. Akheto Sema, General Secretary of CBCNEI, spoke on the theme of the meet, while Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho, General Secretary of NBCC, brought greetings to the congregation.

On the second day, Rev. Khayaipam Khamrang, Pastor of TBCI, led the Bible study based on Mark 2:18-22.

Other Gospel messengers and resource persons of the event included Rev. Dr. Wati Longkumer, Chairman of IMCC (BIM) Mission Commission, who spoke on "Current Mission Scenario and Re-envisioning of Naga Churches Missions"; Rev. Robin Paul, President of Kingdom Business School, spoke on "Naga Christians in Kingdom Business”.

The event also saw Niketu Iralu, Former Trustee of Centre for Dialogue and Reconciliation, New Delhi, speaking on “The Realities of our Geography & History- Will our Response Destroy us or Enable our Proper Growth?”; Dr. Visier Meyasetsu Sanyi, Former Project Officer, National Council of Churches in Australia, presenting a paper on "Nagas are moving ahead"; and Rev. Dr. Elungkibe Zeliang, Academy of Integrated Christian Studies, Aizawl, Mizoram, speaking on the topic “Envisioning the Life and Ministry of the Naga Baptist Churches”.

The two-day event concluded with Rev. Dr. Chingmak Chang, Secretary of Eleutheros Christian Society, giving an insightful message on "Redefining Naga Christianity", the theme of the assemblage.