MP Dr. Pfoze Urges SAPO, Mao Council To Resolve Land Dispute - Eastern Mirror
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MP Dr. Pfoze urges SAPO, Mao Council to resolve land dispute

By Livine Khrozhoh Updated: Jan 07, 2023 8:55 pm
MP Dr Pfoze urges SAPO Mao Council
Dr. Lorho Pfoze and advisors during the unveiling of the monolith in Dimapur on Saturday. (EM Images)

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Dimapur, Jan. 7 (EMN): Outer Manipur Lok Sabha MP, Dr. Lorho Pfoze on Saturday appealed to the Southern Angami People’s Organisation (SAPO) and the Mao community to find ways to resolve the ongoing imbroglio over the Kezoltsa/Koziirii-Dzukou land dispute through dialogues.

He was addressing the 75th anniversary-cum-Chithuni Festival organsied by Mao Hoho Dimapur at Mao Community Centre, Ashuhe Mao colony, Dimapur on Saturday.

The MP said that there have been a lot of misunderstandings between SAPO and Mao community borne out of one’s ancestry as they have many similarities in dress, culture, food and even language.

“And the only thing is the transitory boundary which has been drawn and because of this so many things happen, therefore, I do not wish that we forget our heritage and the oneness that we have in Christ,” he maintained.

‘Only if we go back to the roots, then will we be able to say that everything is temporary and so whatever disagreements our people have, it should not make us enemies, but we must communicate and continue to have dialogue and create opportunities for us to bring a resolution and solution to all the existing problems,’ he shared.

Further, he lamented that people today build their own fences, be it in villages, neighbouring villages and tribes, ‘but since everyone is one in Christ, they must forget all those fences and live together as one’.

Acknowledging the pioneers who first came and settled in Dimapur in the 1930s, he said it was all possible because of a sense of belongingness and unity, as the people came together and found meaning in communicating among the communities.

MP Dr Pfoze urges SAPO Mao Council to resolve land dispute
Dr. Lorho Pfoze and advisors during the unveiling of the monolith in Dimapur on Saturday. (EM Images)

Maintaining that wealth and education have made the society selfish over the years, he said it is time for the Nagas to unite and live together.

Today, Nagas do not physically hunt each other’s head like during the primitive period but the attitude of the people sometimes come down to such lines, he said.

Pfoze added that it is time for the people to give their best and leave good footsteps for the next generation.

Meanwhile, Manipur legislator Losii Dikho, also mentioned that at one point of time, the Mao people migrated towards Nagaland hoping that unity would be maintained, and were grateful to the government of Nagaland for taking them as their own people.

He asserted that there were many opportunities coming up in Manipur but two things that progressed in the Naga people were their faith and knowledge of Christ, and the spirit of Naga unity despite being divided by an artificial boundary.

He said that ‘unity among tribes’ is making the Nagas strong today, while reminding that staying united should be their main priority.

Earlier in the programme, Pfoze unveiled the 75th anniversary monolith; Chithuni blessings delivered by Kapani Ashuli, community elder; history of MHD and significance of Chithuni festival shared by L Adani Mao; cultural performances by various unions.

Solidarity messages were also delivered by Etüngmomo Kikon, president of Naga Council Dimapur (NCD); Vekhosayi Nyekha, president of Western Tenyemia Dimapur; S Putukho Batao, president of Southern Nagas’ Union of Nagaland State; A Daili, president of Mao Hoho Nagaland; and Savi Legiese, former NCD president.

By Livine Khrozhoh Updated: Jan 07, 2023 8:55:00 pm
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