Published on Feb 1, 2024
My Beloved Nagas, On this auspicious occasion I give glory and honour to the almighty God for sustaining the Nagas struggle through every difficulty and obstacle since the day we began our national journey. I greet each and every Naga and thank you all for your undying support and ceaseless prayers for the national cause. I pay homage to our Naga pioneers and fallen comrades who made the supreme sacrifice for the future of the Naga Nation. I also gave my revolutionary salute to all the freedom loving people of the world who are under oppression and struggle to reclaim their sovereign rights. 73 years on from the day of the Naga Plebiscites in 1951 and to this very day, we the Nagas have never given up our hope on Sovereignty. We have, time and again, declared to the world that we are neither Indians nor Burmese but have been forcefully occupied against our wishes. To achieve our sovereign dream our people have suffered and sacrificed much long the way. Hence giving up halfway or slowing down is not an option. Since day one, Sovereignty is our national goal and we will end the movement with sovereignty nothing more nothing else. As we embark another critical year of our struggle the NSCN/GPRN is prepared to face the days ahead with full courage and confidence and stands ready to pay whatever price is necessary to redeem our freedom.
Since the dawn of human civilisation, freedom has given hope to people all over the world. It has confronted and defeated despotism, colonialism, tyranny and evil forces of darkness. Every nation on earth whether big or small is born out of that hope. It was that same hope which kept the Nagas struggle alive. Our road has been long and tough-full of sweat, tears and blood- but our destination is clear and our success is inevitable. For freedom is our birthright and our future. We will not beg for our freedom but we will fight to reclaim it. Due to our strong political stand and unity, our country was ravage and turn into a war-zone by both India and Myanmar. Till today they have declared our land as 'Disturbed' and 'Conflict' areas on both sides of the imposed boundary and applied all possible tools to annihilate our cause yet failed in all their attempt.
Under the shadow of occupation, India has marginalised the WESEA and Kashmir regions with colonial mind-set and continues to exploit the population of these two regions as a laboratory for research to test its newly procured weapons and surveillance technologies. India also exploits the natural resources of the occupied region to subsidise its own economy and expand its military. Only the Almighty God knows how many thousands freedom fighters and innocent people alike were tortured and killed by the Indian armed forces during this long occupation. These atrocities represent clear examples of India's crime against humanity which is a contravention of the International laws and norms. This inhuman acts reveals that a rogue state like India is unqualified to apply for a permanent seat at the UN Security Council. If India seeks to find a respectable place in the International community it must first respect the historical and political rights of the people under its domination and must be sincere to solve the long drawn issues without further delay.
Dear Nagas, we have seen with our own eyes how discord and confusion has plague the Pro-Talk Naga political groups as they are about to conclude their so-called Solution with GOI. India manage to tame these groups with monetary packages and sweet-talked and entrench its total control under the guise of the Peace process. Despite the unquestionable right of the Naga people to sovereignty, the GOI and these Naga groups are on the verge of committing another historical blunder by conspiring to end the hard fought movement under the Indian constitution. The so-called Naga Solution is meaningless for the Naga people as the main ingredient 'SOVEREIGNTY' is not on the menu. We cannot substitute sovereignty with mere Solution for it will be a mockery on the supreme sacrifices made by the thousands Nagas for freedom. In doing so these groups are playing with the destiny of their own people. Any document drafted without regards to the Naga people's sovereign dream will be null and void. However truth will prevail in the end and the failure of these groups will be exposed and it will be the Naga people who will have the final say. Dear Nagas, inspite of all the clamour of the Naga politics, I urge you all not to lose faith on the NSCN/GPRN and in our struggle. Despite the ruthless policies and action of our occupiers and their proxies our struggle continues to remain strong and will keep going forward. No matter how dark and stormy our journey may be, I assure you we will definitely reach our destination. For we know that God is the Captain of our ship and he will lead us out of this storm.
May God bless you all.
May god bless our Nagaland. KUKNALIM