Media And Journalism As An Undergraduate Degree - Eastern Mirror
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Media and Journalism as an undergraduate degree

By Moakala T Aier Updated: Apr 17, 2024 11:39 am
Media and Journalism as an undergraduate degree
Viraj Chetri

In an age characterised by rapid information dissemination and evolving media landscapes, the decision to pursue a degree in Media and Journalism at the undergraduate level holds immense significance and promise. This field of study not only equips students with practical skills but also fosters critical thinking, ethical awareness, and the ability to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world. Here are compelling reasons why aspiring communicators should consider media and journalism as their academic path:

Fostering critical thinking and analytical skills:

Media and journalism education emphasises critical thinking and analytical skills. Students learn to evaluate information objectively, discern credible sources, and analyse complex issues from multiple perspectives.

Promoting civic engagement:

Journalism plays a pivotal role in shaping public discourse and promoting civic engagement. Aspiring journalists learn how to uncover stories of public interest, amplify diverse voices, and hold power to account.

Technological innovation and digital literacy:

The field of media and journalism is at the forefront of technological innovation. Students acquire essential digital literacy skills and learn to leverage multimedia platforms for storytelling. Whether it is podcasting, data journalism, or social media reporting, a media and journalism degree equips graduates with the tools to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


At its core, media and journalism celebrate creativity and the art of storytelling. Students have the opportunity to hone their writing, editing, and production skills across various media formats. By exploring different storytelling techniques, graduates emerge as compelling communicators capable of engaging audiences across diverse platforms.

Diverse career opportunities:

Pursuing a degree in media and journalism opens doors to diverse career opportunities. Graduates can pursue roles in traditional journalism (print, broadcast, online), digital media production, public relations, corporate communications, advertising, content creation, and more. The versatility of skills acquired during the undergraduate program enables graduates to adapt and excel in a variety of professional settings.

Professional integrity:

Media and journalism education instills a strong foundation in ethics and professional integrity. Students learn about the ethical responsibilities of journalists, including accuracy, fairness, and transparency. By upholding these standards, graduates contribute to maintaining the credibility of the media industry.

Global perspectives and cultural awareness:

Media and journalism education fosters global perspectives and cultural awareness. Students explore issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion, gaining insights into different cultural contexts and societal challenges. This intercultural competence is essential in an interconnected world where effective communication transcends borders.

Why is research and analysis important in media and communication?

Research and analysis play crucial roles in the field of media and communication for several reasons.

Firstly, they provide insights into audience preferences, helping tailor content to specific demographics. It upholds journalistic principles of accuracy, fairness, and integrity, ultimately contributing to a better informed public and also helps maintain a healthy media environment.

Secondly, research helps assess the impact of media messages on society, aiding in ethical and responsible media practices. Research fosters innovation by uncovering emerging technologies and audience behaviors. Ultimately, a robust research and analysis framework enhances the credibility and effectiveness of media and communication initiatives, ensuring they remain relevant and impactful in an ever-evolving landscape.

In conclusion, pursuing a degree in Media and Journalism at the undergraduate level is not just about acquiring technical skills; it is about embracing a profession that empowers individuals to inform, inspire, and drive positive change through the power of communication. By choosing media and journalism as their academic path, students embark on a transformative journey that prepares them to thrive in the dynamic and influential realm of media and storytelling.

Viraj Chetri

Final semester

Dept. Media and Journalism

MIT, World Peace University

Pune, Maharashtra

By Moakala T Aier Updated: Apr 17, 2024 11:39:03 am
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