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Mhathung Yanthan, advisor of horticulture, exhorting the gathering during the LBCA 96th triennial general conference at Okotso Baptist Church held from December 7 to 9. Also is seen in the picture are section of believers during the conference.[/caption]
Dimapur, Dec. 11 (EMN): Lotha Baptist Churches’ Association (LBCA) held its 96th triennial general conference at
zOkotso Baptist Church from December 7 to 9 on the theme “Behold, I am the Lord thy God” (Leviticus 10:17).The three day conference was opened by Rev. Nyanchumo Lotha, LBCA executive secretary, with a prayer invoking God’s blessing. A powerful expository message on the theme was delivered by Rev. Dr. L Tsanso, LBCA president, after which business session was conducted where past resolutions of the association and new agendas were deliberated threadbare.
On the second day, Mhonchumo S Lotha, LBCA general secretary, took up the morning Bible study where he challenged the believers basing his sermon from 2 Timothy 4:3-5 followed by a daylong departmental reporting besides adoption of the four points resolutions for the coming year.
In the evening devotion, Dr. Abeni Patton, assistant professor of Baptist Theological College, Pfutsero, delivered sermon on the theme “We are God’s people” – Deuteronomy 26:12.
Day three started with presentation of the audit report for 2017-18 and proposal and approval of the general budget for 2018-19. During the morning devotion, Rev. Abemo Jungio, WTBC associate pastor, spoke on the theme “Arise and shine O people of God” from Isaiah 60:1-3 and Mhathung Yanthan, advisor of horticulture, exhorted the believers. The program culminated with an evening devotion where Rev. Dr. Ezamo Murry, former principal of ETC, Jorhat, delivered a sermon on the theme “Seek the Lord and live” - Amos 5:6.

A press release issued by publicity committee stated that LBCA has 140 churches affiliated under it and the triennial conferences are hosted in turns by the different range fellowship/churches under the association. This year the conference was hosted by Sungro Yingsung Baptist Ekhumkho Khumshum (SYBEK) comprising of five baptist churches from Bangti, Okotso, Sungro, Aree Old and Aree New villages.
The next triennial conference is scheduled in 2021 to be hosted by Old Riphyim Baptist Church. Altogether 485 delegates from 91 churches attended as delegates apart from the believers of the five host churches.