Land Dispute Over Kezoltsa And Dzukou - Eastern Mirror
Monday, October 14, 2024

Land dispute over Kezoltsa and Dzukou

By EMN Updated: May 27, 2015 9:34 pm

Land dispute over Kezoltsa and Dzukou between Maos and Southern Angamis is a matter of great concern . They are neighbours and instead of being closer and more friendly , the issue between them caused them rivalries and it may continue endlessly unless a step is taken .
The land in dispute is between two States and during British regime a demarcated line was drawn with Japfu Range as the boundary line without consultation with Southern Angamis . So the arbitrary imaginary line is not acceptable to them .
This case seems to be difficult to be settled by Judiciaries except in the way of Christ and it is possible . The way of Christ is perfect but we do not practice it and do anything in the way of our old cultures . Three months ago , a dispute over about one half – square kilometer of land which was going to be filed in court , I told them that it should be settled in the way of Christ ; both parties complied and by the grace of God it was settled amicably and after the land mark posts were set up , both parties had food together prepared by one group in a field hut and on the 14th March the agreement was signed at my house at Kohima and had prayer together . It was a matter of minus quarrel , swearing , waste of time and money plus better relationship. Who did it ? Christ Jesus the perfect peace maker. In like manner , all cases and problems can be resolved in the way of Christ .
The either side claims that the landscape belongs to their ancestors , but it is bound to be divided. Should it be divided equally? Whether equal or not equal , it is to be in most practicable way . My personal suggestion is that the most practicable way is the RIDGE where a Rest Shed was constructed by Southern Angamis can be taken as the demarcating line and from that line towards Dzukou is for the Southern Angamis and towards Mao Gate is for Mao’s . Which side is bigger and which side is smaller I do not know but whether bigger or smaller for Christ’s sake it is to be accepted for the sake of solution and peaceful co existence between the two neighbourly communities . If any other way which is beyond my understanding will be more practicable for solution , have the courage to take step instead of keeping on practicing old cultures . Nothing is too odd and difficult to be resolved in the way of Christ .

By EMN Updated: May 27, 2015 9:34:44 pm
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