
KSCJ conducts workshop on photography

Published on Apr 25, 2024



Resource persons along with the faculty and students of Kohima Science College in Jotsoma on Wednesday.

DIMAPUR — The Zoology department of Kohima Science College in Jotsoma (KSCJ) organised a one-day workshop on “Basic techniques of digital photography” on Wednesday at the Bio-Informatics Lab with Vitoto Sakhrie, member of Photography Club in Kohima, and Keleyi Venuh, a freelance photographer, as the resource persons.

An update from the college stated that the programme coordinator of the workshop, Dr. Vethselo Doulo, shared on the concept note of the programme. He emphasised the importance of taking good quality photographs with the latest digital cameras especially in research and also familiarised on the basics of camera handling in real-life situations.

In the first technical session, Vitoto Sakhrie delved into the three main components of photography namely aperture, shutter speed and ISO and how their interface could make a profound impact on the quality of photographs taken. He also highlighted the various composition methods in photography such as the law of thirds, which is the most popularly followed technique.

In the second technical session, participants were divided into two groups and given hands-on training on indoor and outdoor photography and the various challenges associated with it. The resource persons also shared insightful details on handling different digital cameras in research photography.

It stated that Dr. Lilongchem Thyüg, who chaired the programme, gave a brief insight into the history of photography and their importance in everyday life and Sciences especially in the context of the college

The valedictory programme was attended by the principal and vice principal of the college, Dr. Temjenwabang and Moasangla Jamir respectively. The closing remark was said by Chiratho N Nyuwi, faculty in the department, while the certificates to the resource persons were given away by the principal.

The workshop concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Dr. Anungla Pongener, head of Zoology department.

Altogether, 30 participants including faculty member, research scholars and students attended the programme.