
Kohima district observes anti-malaria month

Published on Jun 23, 2023



As part of anti-malaria month, Kohima division of Health department under the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) undertook various activities in Jakhama, Chiephobozou, Tseminyu, Sechu and Chunlika blocks
Surveillance workers conducting screening test for malaria as part of anti-malaria month in Kohima district.

DIMAPUR — As part of anti-malaria month, Kohima division of Health department under the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) undertook various activities in Jakhama, Chiephobozou, Tseminyu, Sechu and Chunlika blocks on the theme ‘Time to deliver zero malaria: Invest, Innovate, Implement.’

A press release by the district vector borne officer (DVBO), Dr. Kevilhoulie Meyase, informed that various activities were conducted in seven villages under seven blocks in Kohima district and added that similar activities would be carried out in more villages under Kohima district.  

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It stated that malaria technical supervisors, surveillance workers and ASHA from various blocks conducted the activities along with the district consultant, assistant malaria officer, malaria inspectors and vector borne officer. The activities included advocacy programmes and distribution of IEC materials, awareness on proper usages of LLIN (mosquito nets), and social mobilisation activities through public addressing (PA) system.

It added that the public were made aware on waste management, prevention of water stagnation apart from malaria screening test. It further stated that no malaria cases were detected during the screening of malaria.

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