FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2025


Kohima launches ‘litter-free city’ campaign

Published on Jun 13, 2021



KMC staff cleaning the street as part of ‘litter-free city’ campaign in Kohima.

Dimapur, June 12 (EMN): In an effort towards making Kohima a ‘litter-free city,’ the Kohima Smart City Development Limited (KSCDL) and Kohima Municipal Council (KMC) have started intensive cleaning of the main highway from June 4.

CEO of KSCDL and KMC administrator, Kovi Meyase, informed that the pilot location has been identified from TCP junction to North Police Station junction for the 1st week and would gradually extend to the other stretches of the main highway.

In this regard, KMC has notified that depositing of waste at its collection points along the main city highway would be strictly before 6 am in the morning and after 6 pm in the evening.

It informed that the hours from 6 am to 6 pm should be strictly observed as ‘No litter, No garbage hours’ and warned that fines would be imposed on violators. The fines have been fixed at INR 500, INR 2000 and cancellation of trade license for first, second and third offence respectively for traders and INR 200, INR 500 and INR 1000 for first, second and third offence respectively for individuals.

Customers and pedestrians are requested not to litter but to use the dustbins provided by each shop as well as smaller dustbins placed along the pavements and footpaths. It has also directed traders and business establishments to deposit the waste at the designated KMC waste collection points only before 6 am and after 6 pm. It would be enforced by the KMC inspectors and assisted by the Kohima Smart CCTV cameras.

Citizens are also requested not to throw waste out of moving cars but to find a dustbin or take the waste home for disposal.

“Over the years, Kohima has become cleaner and all credit goes to its citizens, ward sanitation committees and various groups and organisations for the cooperation and efforts in improving waste management,” Meyase stated.

Kohima Smart City and Kohima Municipal Council have appealed to every citizen to join hands and assist in the ‘litter-free Kohima” movement by following the waste deposit timings and also creating awareness among friends, family, neighbours, customers and colonies. It further asked the ward sanitation committees to create awareness and monitor the waste deposit timings in their respective jurisdictions.