FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2025


KDCVU reiterates strict adherence to freight rate

Published on Feb 24, 2024




DIMAPUR — To uphold fairness and integrity within the transportation industry, the Kiphire District Commercial Vehicle Union (KDCVU) has reiterated strict adherence to the freight rate fixed by the district administration.

The KDCVU, in a press release, notified all members, transport operators, drivers and stakeholders that compliance with the fixed freight rate is mandatory. The union cautioned that penalties will be imposed on any commercial vehicle found deviating from the specified rate.

As per the directive issued by the district administration, the freight rate stands at INR 3.50 per kilogram for Long Platform Trucks (LPT) transporting commercial and essential commodities from Dimapur to Kiphire.

“Recently, the KDCVU has become aware of unauthorised transporters operating outside the purview of our union. These transporters, who are not registered members of the KDCVU, have been observed ferrying loads at rates below the prescribed tariff. Their actions, aimed at capturing loads en route to Dimapur-Kiphire, disrupt the equilibrium of fair competition within the industry,” it said.

The union went on to allege that these transporters engage in unlawful activities by carrying illegal Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) to make up for the shortfall in revenue, and selling the IMFL at black market rates.

“As a result, genuine KDCVU transport vehicles are left stranded or idle due to a lack of customers willing to adhere to the prescribed rate of INR 3.50,” the union said.

In response to the situation, the KDCVU informed that it has formed a committee along with volunteers to monitor every truck and vehicle traveling along the Dimapur to Kiphire route.

“The KDCVU emphasises that any vehicle found carrying illegal IMFL will be seized immediately and handed over to the police for further action. This proactive measure aims to curb illegal activities and maintain the integrity of the transportation sector,” it said.

Urging the cooperation of all stakeholders in ensuring a level playing field and fostering a harmonious environment within the transportation industry, it maintained that strict adherence to the fixed freight rate will not only sustain businesses but also promote fairness and transparency in operations.