Infringing On Democracy - Eastern Mirror
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Letters to the Editor

Infringing on Democracy

By EMN Updated: Jun 29, 2020 8:01 pm

Dear Sir/Ma’am,
The recent hype created by the Governor’s letter to the chief minister in which he touched several areas of mis-governance in the state has caught our attention regarding the role of the Governor in a state. The constitution, as we all know, prescribes the role of the Governor primarily as an advisory one or as the constitutional head of the state with no authority to directly execute powers as long as there is a constitutionally elected popular government in place to run the affairs of the state. Though he has tried to over-step his jurisdiction under the pretext of corruption, but India is a democracy and constitution has stipulated that the people are the ultimate authority from where any Government derives it’s power through ballot and hence, undermining the power of a popularly elected government in a democracy will become a very unsavoury precedent. All Nagas know the present status of our Government in terms of corruption, but that doesn’t allow the Governor to infringe into the powers of a popular government. The people will decide how their government has fared in the last 5 years through ballot. The power exercised by the Lt General of Delhi in crippling the Delhi government on several occasions cannot be repeated in other states as Delhi is a National capital Territory (NCT) with less autonomy granted to the state government. Unless he has some agenda, the Governor seems to be overlapping his constitutionally obligated duty under the pretext of corruption in the government set up which is not healthy for a federal set-up of our country which the framers of our constitution had envisaged.

Long Live Democracy
Kahoto Zhimomi,

By EMN Updated: Jun 29, 2020 8:01:28 pm
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