Indo-Naga Talks Likely To Resume In October - Eastern Mirror
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Indo-Naga talks likely to resume in October

By Livine Khrozhoh Updated: Sep 25, 2024 9:38 pm
Indo-Naga talks likely to resume in October
Q Tuccu delivering his greetings message

DIMAPUR — Formal parleys between the National Socialist Council of Nagalim-Isak Muivah (NSCN-IM) and the government of India are likely to resume in Delhi during the first week of October, according to Rh. Raising, a member of the Naga group’s collective leadership.

Speaking to journalists on the sidelines of the golden jubilee event of Council of Nagalim Churches (CNC) on Wednesday at Council Headquarters, Hebron, Raising said that the Indo-Naga talks were ‘still on the table’ and the Centre has invited NSCN (IM) to Delhi, likely in the first week of October.

When asked to comment on the Political Affairs Committee’s demand for a new interlocutor, he responded: “That is still on the paper, I can’t say anything on that.”

Concerning the status of negotiations, he maintained that the ball is still in the court of the government of India. Asked for his view on the formation of an opposition-less government in the state, he responded that the “state government will facilitate us.”

He said that the state government “will not participate in the talks but will act as a go-between.”

‘No future without repentance’

Indo-Naga talks likely to resume in October
Rev. Moses Murry speaks on the first day of the CNC golden jubilee event at Camp Hebron.

Rev. Moses Murry, the general superintendent of The Assemblies of God of East India, as the speaker of the jubilee event, observed that Nagas are going though the second darkest phase in their history. He reminded that even though bloodshed among the Nagas has been stopped, their lives are still surrounded by uncertainty.  

“The Nagas are experiencing unprecedented division among themselves politically, socially; and unfortunately, the Naga cause is badly affected. Therefore God is not pleased with us,” he said. 

He cautioned that unless all Nagas repent, forgive each other and surrender to the will of God, “Nagas will continue to suffer even worse than what we have experienced in the past and there will be no future for the Nagas, especially in our political journey.”

According to him, Nagas have to understand that restoration of hope, renewal and revival of the spirit are the need of the hour. The anniversary’s theme was ‘Restoration’.

He expressed that in many ways Nagas have failed politically, socially, spiritually, or even economically because “we are not walking spiritually with the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Underscoring the relevance of the jubilee theme, he said that “restoration of what we have lost in the past is the need of the hour so that our future will be bright.”

He further reminded that CNC was established in 1974 ‘when Nagas were one’, so the celebration is for all the Nagas and not just for a particular group.

Q Tuccu, the yaruiwo of NSCN (IM), said that the golden anniversary milestone was not just about looking back but also about looking forward as they enter a new chapter in their journey. He also asked the church to continue to be the church that loves, saves, and inspires.

Th Muivah, the ato kilonser of the group, reminded that the CNC was founded 50 years ago by visionary NSCN (IM) leaders including the late chairman Isak Chishi Swu “with the divine mission to uphold ‘Nagalim for Christ’.” His message was read out by VS Atem, senior NSCN (IM) leader.

When asked about the health of Th Muivah as he was unable to attend the programme, Rh. Raising informed that “as of now, he is in good condition.”

Also read: Nagaland launches new welfare initiatives covering various sectors

By Livine Khrozhoh Updated: Sep 25, 2024 9:38:01 pm
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