India Venting Out ‘Galwan Frustration’ — NSCN (IM) - Eastern Mirror
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India venting out ‘Galwan frustration’ — NSCN (IM)

By EMN Updated: Jul 12, 2020 11:33 pm

Dimapur, July 12 (EMN): After the killing of six of its cadres, the NSCN (IM) has accused the Indian security forces of ‘venting their frustration over the humiliating encounter with Chinese PLA’ by targeting members of the Naga group.

In a statement issued on Sunday, the NSCN (IM) said that its cadres were ‘gunned down in a cold-blooded manner’ by the combined forces of Assam Rifles, Indian army and Arunachal Pradesh state police.

“Not satisfied with the killing, the ISF (Indian security forces) personnel crossed all decency as they displayed sadistic pleasure in exposing the mutilated bodies and shoving them like dead animals. In the battle fields, even enemy shows respect to fallen soldiers,” read the statement.

It stated that Longding district in Arunachal Pradesh, where the killing occurred, is not far from the Indo-China border.

“There is reportedly heavy concentration of Chinese PLA soldiers in the disputed area. After the Galwan incident in June 2020 where more than twenty Indian army personnel were killed by the Chinese PLA, this Longding killing of six Naga army personnel by the ISF personnel may be understood to send the message across that Indian army will not tolerate any forces who dare to come too close for comfort. It is, however, outrageous for Indian security forces to give to vent their frustration to their humiliating encounter with Chinese PLA by targeting the Naga army,” it stated.

The NSCN (IM) went on to state that the incident was a “repeat of another state-sponsored terrorism” against the group which has been in ceasefire for more than 23 years now.

“What is government of India trying to gain by targeting NSCN under any slightest pretext when its hands are full confronting the Pakistanis in the Indo-Pakistan border and the Chinese in Ladakh, Sikkim, Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh? The existence of NSCN should not be construed as a nuisance to India in any manner. And the prevailing Indo-Naga ceasefire signed between the GoI and NSCN is the standing evidence of Nagas’ goodwill towards India to live in peaceful coexistence,” it asserted.

However, it stated, the NSCN (IM) is being “driven to the wall after repeated provocation and aggression”.

By EMN Updated: Jul 12, 2020 11:33:34 pm
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