In Need Of True Leaders - Eastern Mirror
Monday, October 14, 2024

In need of true leaders

By EMN Updated: Nov 08, 2015 10:05 pm

Humorously, yet paradoxically it is said of the Nagas that every single person we pass through in the street isin one way or the othera leader of some organizations, offices, student body, tribal community, Churches and administrator of some kind. I sensed that these platforms are enabling the youngsters to develop their leadership qualities and personality. It hasalso polished many to become better responsible citizen and servants. No doubt about that. But sadly, can we find true leaders among us? Although leadership trainings are conducted on rampant rows,the VVIP culture is so strong that it seems the principles of leadership are simply to be noted down for speeches, sermons and write-ups.All the rhetoric and sugar-coated words are equivalent to nothing unless practical evidence is attached to the speaker. Our society has become a place where most VIP and bureaucratshave the authority to show off even on roads and offices.The publics have to beg them to get things done. Although there are exceptions to that, most have to be pleased with bucks by the publics to get their jobs done. Very, very sad, isn’t it? This virus is also slowly infecting the churches as well. The idea of lording over the flock and not shepherding is apparent in many church leaders. The secular idea of leaders exploiting the subordinates for one’s own advantage, prosperity and fame has taken a hold of many so-called godly leaders. But who am I to judge? Time will reveal all hidden things.
Our identity and status seems to be defined by our fancy cars to latest phones, gadgets and clothes. Only when we look around our towns and neighbourhood do we realize that we are all stuck together in a huge mess. The status consciousness is really killing all of us. Can we realize that our clothes, gadgets, cars or our big palaces do not define our status rather it is our attitude towards people that truly defines who we really are! Not how big our house is but how big our heart is to accommodate people in our homes and in our lives! Not how much we have amassed but how much we have given for philanthropic works.
This menace of ego, selfishness, and the I-problems are eating up our societal system from top to bottom. Therefore, let us examine ourselves for the God whom we serve and worship has shown us His great model of what true leadership is. He did not set an example by which He did not follow. He chose to tread upon the roads of self-emptying, self-denial, and selfless sacrifice for the good of his followers. In simple words, He walked the talk.
Leaders of history have come and gone but true leaders still lives in people’s heart and lives. There is a need for true leaders in our society. A leader who is not only concerned about his own family, acquaintance or tribe, but is willing to forgo his own interest for someone else’ welfare, a leader who loves his people more than money, a leader who is godly to stand for truth and justice, a leader who is willing to release the funds without any reservation, a leaders who has the consciousness of moral accountability, one who delivers his promise and a leader who honours God and his office. Our people are praying and crying out for true leaders in every profession. May God raise true leaders in our land and pull the false leaders down for His glory and for the good of His people, Amen.
Vebu Khamo
Kohima Bible College

By EMN Updated: Nov 08, 2015 10:05:28 pm
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