In Appreciation Of The Simple Pleasures Of Life - Eastern Mirror
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Zeena Singh

In appreciation of the simple pleasures of life

By EMN Updated: Jan 30, 2016 11:22 pm

Zeena Singh For Eastern Mirror Sunday

Hello folks,

I believe that life has so much to give if only we cared to give a little thought to the most minuscule of joys (which we’d find so much of) only if we’d stop looking at the looming discomforts and discontents.
So here I am, to share with you the simplest joys in my life as I have experienced some time in my life and those that I take as I face each day, at a time.

Kind-hearted thoughtfulness

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
Barbara De Angelis:
Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.
Never wasted… yes! I’ve been and still stand a blessed receiver.
I consider myself blessed innumerably so, by many a kind-hearted thoughtfulness for which I may not be able to express my eternal gratefulness.Today, however, I take the joy of putting in writing, sharing with you this most unexpected, however simple act of kind-hearted thoughtfulness that changed my impression bringing in a whole new perception of the giver, this considerate soul.
My introduction to him was in our teenage high school days as the ‘madcap’ of the class. Tagged as an eccentric oddball was what it was, and how it remained. Tagging each and almost everyone, of some peculiarity or quirk had been a common trend often taken that it was all accepted (or not) in good spirit. So also, with my ‘crank’ classmate.
All I observed was the smile he carried wherever, whenever, and an occasional wise crack which couldn’t be ignored, but probably often was, because of the label he bore.
Thirty six years later, nothing seemed to have changed. Time too had stood still, or so it appeared, when the same banter and exchange picked up from where we had left it so many years ago.
Recognitions were ignited as soon as re-introductions were made by the respective given popularly known monikers.
At the end of an especially long day of complete excitement and enchanted thrill, of re-kindled acquaintances, companionships and close camaraderie, my-couple-of-days-of-sleep-deprived-worn body came crashing with over exhaustion.
A sudden rush of nausea took over with no tell-tale sign or warning. Here was I, amidst so many familiar faces, yet in a place I didn’t know whereabouts of. Covering my mouth for fear of throwing up I ran up to the information desk pleading for someone to help me find a wash room before disaster ruined the day. There was no scurry or bustle but I could sense an air of busyness around me. No signals of reassurance came from the help desk that someone would soon come to my rescue either.
A firm grip on my arm propelled me forward and i found myself half running behind a young lad who very nervously led me to the staff restrooms. Coming out of my queasiness, my relief was mixed with astonishment. Was I to believe that the angel to my rescue was none other than the same ‘crank’ of a classmate? I had to swallow down the lump at my throat. This dear ‘crank’ was not only there alert and aware when everyone else was oblivious of what was happening, but he knew exactly what was required at a moment like that personally taking me through it all like a mother would a child.
A very insignificant act of kindness perhaps to some, but immensely colossal to me, coming from the most unexpected of sources just at the time appropriate, most empathetically taken care of, it must have come from the heart .Today I carry a deep sense of respect along with gratitude to this same eccentric oddball who is my friend.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross:
I have never met a person whose greatest need was anything other than real, unconditional love. You can find it in a simple act of kindness toward someone who needs help. There is no mistaking love. You feel it in your heart. It is the common fiber of life, the flame that heals our soul, energizes our spirit and supplies passion to our lives. It is our connection to God and to each other.
Henry Burton:
Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on; ‘twas not given for thee alone, pass it on; Let it travel down the years, let it wipe another’s tears, till in heaven the deed appears, pass it on.

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By EMN Updated: Jan 30, 2016 11:22:27 pm
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