In Appreciation........ Of The Simple Pleasures Of Life... - Eastern Mirror
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In Appreciation…….. of the simple pleasures of life…

By EMN Updated: Aug 22, 2015 11:17 pm

Hello folks,

I believe that life has so much to give if only we cared to give a little thought to the most minuscule of joys (which we’d find so much of) only if we’d stop looking at the looming discomforts and discontents.
So here I am, to share with you the simplest joys in my life as I have experienced some time in my life and those that I take as I face each day, at a time.
In appreciation of The Sound of Silence

It sprung a surprise on me at a tender age. ‘Is this a chance occurrence?’, was the question my young pre-teen mind had asked. ‘Quite the contrary’, was the eye-opening reply after almost 12 years when my pen proved that it couldn’t contain words. They simply flowed in rhyme and in rhythm with ‘soul full’ expressions which I put to paper.
Silently exulted, this triumph was not a chance, I realised, but treasure discovered, entirely mine to keep and cherish.
The curtain rises to a new setting; Act II Scene II: a new backdrop, glamorous surroundings and an ideal locale. The expected adjustments and fine-tuning done, things were in place and the show began. Excitement and advancement, development and progress ensued. There was hastening and scurrying, a quickened rush; urgency accelerated deafeningly, stirring up a blast, blare, clamour and clatter. Keeping up was a tough task but I had to, didn’t want to get left behind, so, promptly I took on the cue and stepped up my pace.
No more strolls and saunters, from an amble to a march, brisk strides turned to a thrilling gallop. There was loud cheer and shouting. This celebrated extravaganza before me reached a cacophonic crescendo.
Amidst the enthusiastic exhilaration a sudden disquieting shadow of unrest I sensed. Distressed and unsettled I stepped into the wings. What could be the cause of this perplexing alarm? I searched within. I recognised a need. I wanted to state it, but I couldn’t utter, nor articulate. No more the insightful flashes of motivation. Where was my cherished muse of expression?
Days and nights were spent discontentedly seeking what had come so easy in my days of simpler ‘quiet’, hushed serene. Inspiration and brainwave seemed a distant numb fantasy that refused to stir amid this uproar.
25 years since. Retrieved and recovered this I’ve arrived at, that there is no greater joy in reclaiming your shout of expression. In Silence, do I now find a release, liberation to breathe easy, to think, perhaps more creatively, and to function more constructively against that Voluble riotous resonance called ‘noise’.
That which I had lost in the boisterous tumult I repossessed in the piercing sound of silence. My treasure, to keep and cherish, I have regained, not to be kept, but shared, this time round.
“I’ve begun to realize that you can listen to silence and can learn from it. It has a quality and dimension all its own.” Quoted CHAIM POTOK , in his book, The Chosen.

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By EMN Updated: Aug 22, 2015 11:17:53 pm
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