IMTN Responds To Naga Hoho - Eastern Mirror
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IMTN responds to Naga Hoho

By EMN Updated: Apr 25, 2017 10:55 pm

Dimapur, April 25 (EMN): The Indigenous Minority Tribes of Nagaland (IMTN) – comprising of Kukis, Kacharis, Garos and Karbis/Mikhirs – has retorted to what it stated was the Naga Hoho’s statement on the “indigenous recognized tribes status example in relation to the recommendation for the recognition of the Rongmei’s tribe in the state of Nagaland as one of the newly recognized tribe’.
The organisation issued a press release on Tuesday stating that it seeks to set facts straight. “That the four above mentioned tribes – Kuki, Kachari, Garo & Mikir/Karbi – has been part and parcel of the evolution of the state of Nagaland, since time immemorial even before the state of Nagaland was established on 1st December 1963, these four tribes has been living within the ancestral land of today’s Nagaland even before the advent of the Britishers or to say has been established and living even before India Independence.
“In order to get the facts and records straight for the understanding of Naga Hoho and the general younger public of our beloved state of Nagaland as the older generations knows very well the history and contributions of this Indigenous tribes in the formation and establishment of our state of Nagaland. The four tribes has been living since time immemorial and has walk, contribute and shed equal bloods and tears with other tribes of Nagaland in every struggle and challenges face by us-all recognized tribes that is the 16 tribes plus Garo and Mikhir,” it stated. (Click here for full text)

By EMN Updated: Apr 25, 2017 10:55:22 pm
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