If It Is Not Spoonerism In Action? The Naga Case - Eastern Mirror
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If it is not Spoonerism in action? The Naga case

By EMN Updated: May 28, 2015 11:31 pm

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f our case is not called Spoonerism in action then what is it? We Nagas do things what Reverend William Archibald Spooner (1844–1930) did with words. A definition of Spoonerism or Marrowsky says that it is an “error in speech or deliberate play on words in which corresponding consonants, vowels, or morphemes are switched.” The term is named after Rev Spooner, Warden of New College, Oxford, who was prone to this problem.
For Rev Spooner, snake bites man would be man bites snake or train arrives in Dimapur would be Dimapur arrives in train or Rajiv Gandhi was killed by terrorists would be terrorists were killed by Rajiv Gandhi or the Lord is a shoving leopard instead of a loving shepherd. If Rev Spooner is to call Sonia Gandhi he may not say Gandhi Sonia but Gonia Sandhi.
In practical Spoonerism, a person switches off the room lights as he enters but switches on when he comes out of the room. Such person will put away his umbrella the moment it starts raining.
In Nagaland, people think of roads only after buying cars. We buy clothes first and make wardrobes later. We build houses first and have contretemps with our neighbours later as we construct paths to link between main roads and our houses. We form business associations first before the business starts. What’s more? We have now several Presidents (Yaruiwo) and Prime Ministers (Ato Kilonser) even as the issue of Independence or Sovereignty is still a touchy word for the government of India. We are celebrating/observing Independence Day/Republic Day too while negotiations to achieve them are still underway.
So, it is not Communism/Socialism. It is not Fascism. It is neither Democracy. Spoonerism works well with the Nagas.

By EMN Updated: May 28, 2015 11:31:52 pm
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