[dropcap]I[/dropcap]s NPF gradually drifting from its ideological moorings? Regional parties are formed to serve the regional interests. Due to pernicious ideology of the bigger parties the urge to have regional parties crop up. By this logic, regional parties cannot be too accommodative when comes to maintaining relationships with the national political parties. Hobnobbing with the bigger political parties with compromising approach often dilutes the sanctity of regional parties. We have witnessed this in the country.Solely driven by the survival politics the NPF may lose its charm (of being the Naganess or Naga centric) if accommodative politics becomes too accommodative. Accommodation of parties whose ideologies contradict the Naga interest is bound to damage the (Nagas) emotional linkage with NPF that has been developed over the years. Once this stage is reached then the danger lurks.
NPF is considered by many not as a mere political party. It is one of the principal agents of the Naga movement. But if the leaders at the helm think they are politicians and start behaving like those usual politicians, they are making mistakes.
At this juncture the NPF ignoring the reason why it is voted by the people to power for three consecutive terms can affect the Naga movement.
The need to have a strong Naga based regional political party will be a matter of necessity as long as the Naga political issue is not settled. The NPF should not provoke the Naga people to question the basic premise for the formation of the party. The ideologues of the NPF have injected strong Naga national fervour in the party. This motif should not be diluted at this critical juncture.
Updated: Apr 01, 2015 10:05:23 pm