
ICAR-CIFA organises workshop on management of aquarium

Published on Mar 14, 2024



Resource persons from ICAR-CIFA demonstrating on the management of aquarium at Dimapur Brooder Fish Farm on March 12.

DIMAPUR — With an aim to promote aquarium science, ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA) at Kausalyaganga in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, organised a one-day workshop-cum-training programme on aquarium maintenance and care for the school teachers, extension officials and aquarium enthusiasts of Nagaland at Dimapur Brooder Fish Farm on March 12.

Speaking at the inaugural programme, Dr. Saroj Kumar Swain, former director of ICAR-CIFA, narrated the huge scope and prospects of aquarium keeping in school, college, offices etc., stated a DIPR report

It stated that Dr. S Adhikari, principal scientist and chairman of NEH programmes of ICAR-CIFA, highlighted the activities including aquarium keeping undertaken by ICAR-CIFA for development of northeast region, while Dr. CK Misra, principal scientist and co-coordinator of NEH programs of ICAR-CIFA, welcomed all the participants and briefed the objectives of the event.

Dr. Vimezo Kire, deputy director of Fisheries, Government of Nagaland, appreciated the efforts undertaken by ICAR-CIFA for development of aquaculture sector in Nagaland and encourage all the participants to learn the technologies developed by ICAR-CIFA including the aquarium science.

In the technical session, Dr. SK Swain, principal scientist at ICAR-CIFA, presented the principles and practices of aquarium maintenance and care, while Dr. S Adhikari narrated the principles of water quality maintenance for better survival of fishes in aquarium and Dr. CK Misra narrated the different components of aquarium needed for healthy fish keeping.

The technical session also included a practical demonstration on aquarium fabrication and setting up of different key components in aquarium.

Report stated that selected schools in Dimapur and Kohima districts were distributed aquarium during the event.

Altogether, fifty participants including scientists, extension officials, enthusiasts, and teachers from different schools of Dimapur and Kohima districts attended the programme.